About Wittwildbill
Joined August 2008

My name is Bill. I am a 50 year old unemployed Network Engineer. Iam new at 'IM' so I have a long ways to go.

I currently live in the Panhandle of Florida. Yes Florida has a panhandle sits right below Alabama.
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Stellar Premium
Hello Bill, love your tweetie pic, very cute : ) I saw your post to Lisa311's space. I was the person who sent her the links. I absolutely love SBI and can't stop raving about it, and I use it in tandem with WA. SBI is actually a small business machine that teaches you how to create quality-content for keyword-focused pages. It's totally amazing for creating organic web traffic from search engine results and web surfers - it's not just a website creation tool...actually, a lot of professional webmasters and web designers use SBI to upload all of their html (and people who don't know html or design use their templates) to create high traffic stats.

I created my site in June, and received 11 unique visitors for that month. In August, I received 107 unique visitors and for this month up until now, I have already received 87 unique visitors (all from organic traffic) and I haven't yet marketed my site until a few days ago. The traffic keeps growing exponentially, and SBI teaches you how to take advantage of many different monetization models so you make money from diverse techniques...

Check out my website link below if you want more info. SBI is a long-term strategy for organically optimizing your web traffic over time...it's another awesome strategy for long-term passive income.

Go to my web page by clicking the link below and click "Professional Webmasters and Web Designers".


Or learn about SBI and how it boosts you're traffic (SBI is really a small business super machine!).


Thought you might find these useful. Cheers! And good luck with your internet marketing success! Blessings to you, Bill. Sandra.
lisa311 Premium
lisa311 Premium
now i'm trying to download some pictures on my computer to build my website
lisa311 Premium
hi bill how r u . stella just sent me a link to a site that got me so excited and i hope will make my life a little easier in terms of building a website here's the link www.sitebuildit.com check it out and let me know k. peace
wittwildbill Premium
Hi There!!;

Glad you popped in to say hi. I am a newbie here myself, still plugging away trying to get a handle on this "IM" thing. All I can really offer you is to say start your action plan and visit the forums reading all you can find.

Best wishes,

wittwildbill Premium
Well hi there;
The sitebuildit looks interesting if you have no clue on how to build a website. Personally I just build my own websites. All I use is notepad and I just type in the HTML,or CSS or JavaScript whatever the case may be. Instead of paying some outside entity though you might want to look into SiteRubix and the other tools and support that WA offers here. If you go into the learning center you can website building tutorials. But to start out you don't need a website, just a blog or squidoo page will do, along with some articles to help with traffic. Well get started on the action plan and best wishes.

divinetravel Premium
Hello Bill
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill,
Welcome to WA! A network engineer should be right at home here. I like you profile pic Tweety is a fav of mine.
Great success to you,
Guitar fire,Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Actually, Bill, it isn't raining in Seattle much this summer. Hovering in the eighties most day's. That will change by fall. You have the tech stuff and I love the marketing. I need more knowledge fast as I just got my first three domain sites. I'm stuck in week 4 not sure how to put them together and then there is the pesky business of getting the right niche for each one. Kudos to you and have a productive day,Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill working hard?I need to get my 'toes to the fire' and get some web sites made. No experience here so it is easy to put everything ahead of that. You are fortunate to have knowledge of the tech stuff.
Keep going forward,
guitar fire Premium
Thanks for the encouraging words, Bill, that is exactly what I need to do. I'm not sure the domain names I got will fit the new weight loss deal the guys have for us but that should be a seller.
Do you have any names secured? Go Daddy was so cheap I got 5 names. Love em all.
talk later,
guitar fire Premium
Yes been a night person forever...the free sites are cool but I am committed to two years of 5 domain names so with site rubix here I will 'dabble' as you say. Did you get your domain name from 'go daddy?' i love that site.
Well off I go,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill,
Or do you prefer wild Bill...Hey I was going to start the STF then I got a message that it may just be for those who are finished with the 8 week course and more advanced. So I did not pursue it. Bummer! You are going to town, man, good! Do you think it will be the money maker they say it will be? Sure hope so.
Have a great rest of the week end.....whats a little rain they say we have web feet where I come from
guitar fire Premium
Old days hmmmm Tweety does not give much info on how old...I have a PM in for Kyle to see his input before diving in to STF. Are you getting hit by Fay? Hope not. I get bum marketings e-mails. Great deal Travis has going.
guitar fire Premium
I will do that and I'm glad you are o.k during the flood. Our deal here is earthquakes.
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill,
It is raining so hard here today I thought of you and the flood there. I am getting back to you with Kyles answer.
He said it is not necessary to finish the 8 week course to do STF but suggested getting into the resources first.
So like race horses at the starting gate lets proceed and make a bundle!
Wish you a great evening,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill,
How are you doing? Great I hope. I don't know how I got this pesky large font and I don't know how to get rid of it. Oh well at least you won't need any reading glasses.
I wrote my first blog ever today on my profile page. It's a captivating experience now I finally want to write articles. Hey the font went back to normal size sweet!
Look forward to hearing whats new with you,
guitar fire Premium
Well...I wrote the buddy message right after the Blog and for some inexplicable reason the letters were big as I wrote them and then oula! They were normal size again. I can't explain it and after I sent the post I thought hey this guy is gonna think I'm one card short of a deck...oh well that explains it...or not...
Thanks for the kind words about my first blog.
Later too,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill,
gee I was beginning to wonder what happened to my friend so good to hear from you.
I am absolutely bouncing off the walls with ideas, which of course, makes it hard to focus on one thing and get it done.
I will be forcing myself back into the 8 week course and also do, as you once said, 'dabble' at site building.
How about you? Are you working on STF?
Keep in touch,
guitar fire Premium
Hey you...what a pleasant surprise to come on WA today and see it is raining gold that's one busy little yellow bird.
Thank you, You're too tweet...
You are doing great! What was the article about? Should be seeing sales soon.
Thanks again,
Talk later,
guitar fire Premium
And what could a little yellow scrappy bird possibly know about weight loss???
guitar fire Premium
Judge a book by its cover? What cover? Skinny little avatar in a superman cape. Not exactly a dead give away!
Kudos to your weight victory major accomplishment. I'm proud of you, whoever you are.
By the way what is ttn something or other?
Catch you later,
guitar fire Premium
guitar fire Premium
Hi Bill,

Are you still out there? Will you be able to launch you're STF campaign soon? I admire your computer savvy. I went in to Bellevue for dinner this evening and met two ladies from near your town. Small world isn't it? You have worked hard on your campaign and I sure hope it is successful for you.
Always wishing you the best,
guitar fire Premium
Hey Mr. Bill,
I just saw your message and yes it is amazing to meet these two ladies from so near your home town. Cute southern accents. I LOVE southern accents.
I can't wait until you finish your campaign and get Marvelous results.
guitar fire Premium
Hey you...a month? Kiddo? Cute...be back o.k? you have such a good start on STF...
So long,
wittwildbill Premium
Hey are you? Have started in on STF yet? I am currently getting my feet wet with it. Starting to publish articles and blogging for it.
Just riding out the rain from FAY right now so it will be s slow weekend.
wittwildbill Premium
Old days yeah, take a look at my profile for my age :) let me know how Kyle responds, ok? FAY just made us very wet :) waiting for the rivers to flood though we will see how it goes.
wittwildbill Premium
That is awesome about your backpack give away. It is good to hear about people taking care of others. You were mentioning font sizing issues, but I didn't see anything amiss.

Talk to you later,
wittwildbill Premium
Hey how are you doing? It has been a few days since I posted anything so I thought I would say hi and I hope all is well for you.

Got anything going on your latest campaign yet?
wittwildbill Premium
Hi again!!
Yes there was a space between my talking to you, life has a way of sneaking up on a person and then biting hard. I am going slow here with STF. I have finished my landing pages, now am starting to write articles (1 published so far), have a couple ads placed with USFreeAds, going to put up a squidoo lens and a blogger blog also.

I have just received access to week 4 it looks interesting, sigh so much to learn and so little time for doing so.
See you soon,

wittwildbill Premium
Hey!! Have some gold!!! Early merry christmas present.

wittwildbill Premium
Oops, silly me. I posted a message to you, BUT I posted it on my WASpace not yours, hahaha silly me. :)
wittwildbill Premium
HA!! You can't always judge a book by its cover. :) This 'skinny' bird currently is 5'10" and weighs 190 lbs. 2 1/2 years ago I weighed over 300 lbs!!! Yes I was once a FATBOY. I feel qualified to make fat comments and remain politically correct as I was once a VERY fat boy but now I am doing fine (weight wise that is).

Best wishes, TTFN

wittwildbill Premium
Ah, TTFN -- that means Ta Ta For Now, that is a famous Tigger saying from Winnie the Pooh. I picked that up from watching Winnie the Pooh at least a 1000 times with my children as they were growing up. As for whom I really really am I will have to PM you on that.


wittwildbill Premium
Hi Sandi;

That is awesome about meeting those ladies at dinner. I would never guess that you would meet someone from here up there. Truely amazing.
As for STF I am slowing down my push there and pushing the job search heavily, am even doing temp work day by day to attempt to keep going. Something will give though. Best to you.
wittwildbill Premium
Well kiddo, I will see you in a month or so.

TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA, Bill! You have made a wonderful decision to
Learn to Earn. This is the only place on the net that you get free
tutoring along with the lessons. You are never left on your own
here. I've been here for about nine or ten weeks. My income is
rising like seas from melting glaciers but as you go along and learn
more, the more money you make. It is a good feeling to know that
what you are doing is right and what you are doing is profitable. It
may take a while to really get going but read every lesson and do
every task, then go back and do it again. You Will Make Money if
you are devoted to making money and you use Kyle or Carson to
help you. Don't for get the Share Zone either. I put a tutorial there to
help you make the most out of WA. Full Speed Ahead!
TJ Books Premium
Did you click on the tab on Pitching Your Product? John
wittwildbill Premium
I liked your tutorial on the bio box. A bit confused though, I thought we were supposed to focus on a sales pitch to get them to click on a link. You are proposing a biography though. Any thoughts?
