Important!!! Research, Research & Research

Last Update: May 09, 2010

I was waiting for something to download and in fact upload,so I thought I would blog my long night's research.

Now I've found something that is quite disturbing/interesting...

It seems to me that while we are all spending many hours and not really getting anywhere there are IM individuals using very very powerful tools to dominate the IM markets. I have even seen adverts in classifieds for jobs working as forum marketers/data entry at £5 an hour and whole teams of marketers.

So, while hardworking individuals and even whole teams spend hours marketing online, these guys are using automated methods to dominate the market. These powerful tools send out from a few thousand to a few million blog posts/forum posts social network posts,article/video submission etc etc

It is these guys that are sitting there clicking a button and performing 1000's of man hours work at the click of a button that are making the real money, while there are naive IM marketers unaware that their 5 hours marketing is not even a notch on the bedpost compared with these guys.

Is this ethical is this wrong...? ive spent the night thinking about it and I'm meeting somewhere in the middle. Won't bore you with my thoughts on this I'll let you decide for yourself. But ultimately businesses now matter how big or small they are they will do anything to market their product. This is just another way, an automated way to save time.

What/Where are these tools?

Im not going to share the location of them here as this is not the place, I don't want to post something here that will ultimately mock other hard working IM's.

But what I will do is investigate more, see what these powerful tools are all about and share my findings.


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