I Don't Know How I'm Doing It!

Last Update: July 15, 2012
To All at WAU,

First I want to thank those that visited and critiqued my site. Second I want to thank all those that are following me, although, I am not a member. I guess now I must explain.

I took and completed the 10 day free trial. It was great, but I didn't learn enough in those ten days to really get me on the right track to making money using the internet. I did, however, pick up a few pointers that I believe helped the looks of my site. I worked 50-60 hours a week on my job and then had two hours a day of travel, so those ten days were over before I knew it. I would like to become a member, but at this time the cost of the membership is out of my reach. Once I start making money from my website then I may return to WAU, but for now I have to say goodbye!

No to explain the title. You may be wondering, if I am not a member, how am I still posting blogs and commenting on other blogs. The only answer I can give is I don't know, unless WAU allows me to see the blogs and respond as a way to get me back. Well, I'll have to be honest that if I had the extra money I would already be a member. When I let my 10 days run out I still receive emails about blog posts, new training, new followers, etc. but the only thing I can access are the new blogs. I cannot access my profile, personal messages, or anything else that has to do with a real membership, but for some reason I am able to post this new blog and I was also able to respond to my first blog, which was the one where I asked you all to visit my site and critique it.

Well thanks again to all that visited my site at www.cryingearth.com I really appreciated it. I had 143 visits to my site in one day. For my site that is a record. For those of you that are following me, you might as well follow someone else until I can return as a member. Good luck to all and hope to speak to you all in the future!
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slayton1s Premium
Wish you the best.
Hi! I just started and do not have the faintest idea what I am doing
georgejhaas Premium
Sorry to miss you. I hope you will come back to WA. Good luck.
Shawn Martin Premium
Hope you make it back!
The guys here are special and know that if you follow up by repeating the 10 day activities over and over you will make money. Just keep writing relevant stuff that helps your would be customers and keep it unique to you. We all succeed one step at a time.

Good luck wherever you end up!
Thank you for the comment "The Dressage Husband." I have had my site since the middle of March and have yet to be successful, but I'm not giving up. Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it!