2 more sales!!!!!!

Last Update: April 25, 2010

Well I am making it happen, two sales today! This is just getting better and better, not only am I learning to make myself better, but its starting to pay! I am in love with WA( especially now that I dont have to pay for my account LOL). I am gratefull for every one that has helped me so far and the great lessons I am learning. Cant wait to get a few more, soon I will be at a 3 card poker table in Vegas, I know it!

Thanks WA


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Wootton Premium
lol, well if she is half as good at poker as she is helping people, I see some trouble in my future lol. Thanks Jay and you to Kadcpp
magistudio Premium
Great Job Luke! Now keep that momentum going and don't stop what you are doing to attain those sales. RE: Vegas, make sure you don't play AGAINST Jennifer (potpiegirl) as she's shark!! LOL
kadcpp Premium
Wootton Premium
Thanks Penny, you are always there to pat me on the back. Cant wait to return the favor
sherbet penny Premium
Haha good man, hard work pays off, delighted for you. Keep them coming.