I will give you WA gold for rating my lenses! ITS EASY

Last Update: July 24, 2010

Hey guys this is the deal, I will give you a piece of gold to go to my lenses and rate them. If you have done mine before, I have a few new ones that need your help as well. Be sure to let me know and I will get you some gold as soon as I can. Below are the links!






P.S.I only have 10 pieces left so hurry!

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reefswimmer Premium
aloha you, I just had a good time on generateincomefast lens. gave u a thumbs up on Squidoo. Is there more i can do on behalf of that lens there??? Cool info on various stuff.
Ideas for the lens. It has a great ranking so u may not want to mess with it. I think it would be really cool to say closer to the top that you are active in each of these programs. Then maybe more info on what you actually earned recently (u do that in a couple instances but u might give more data on some others.) One of them ???cashbox I think, had comments that sounded contrived. How are u doing on that one these days?
For fun and a bit of cash on the side, I might sign up for one or two of the ones you recommend.
Fun, useful lens. No wonder it ranks so well !
mmorales Premium
I just rated all of your lenses including the Clearwater lodge lense. Keep the gold, you deserve it! Keep up the good work.