I just dont get twitter :s

Last Update: May 13, 2010

What is the appeal, I understand it is social networking, but I  just dont get it. Why would I want to constantly tell everyone what
I am doing, I honestly seen one where I guy was on the dumper. Whats up with that? Any way I just want to now what everyone thinks about,call me curious.

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cld111 Premium
I have trouble keeping up with Twitter. And I know you can get XYZ system to automate it and make your life easier, but I'm getting tired of buying every XYZ system! So, I'm with you on this one. :)
magistudio Premium
I should also mention that it's pretty good for SEO too.
Wootton Premium
See that was a honest answer, lets just say I have seen some pretty dumb stuff up lately.
magistudio Premium
Sounds like you're following the wrong crowd.. LOL - I use it for my Local SEO business (@IMrush) and it's brought in several leads and affiliate sales. The trick is to be selective who you follow, build a relationship with them and don't tweet when you're having a poop...
Jamie Smith Premium
Everyone has their opinion on twitter. For my business, I post all the live shows that we broadcast and fan comments from around the world in real-time. I also post details for our merchandise, Drum&Bass label, tour schedules of our DJs, forthcoming releases, etc.