LOL Google didnt stand a chance!

Last Update: March 28, 2010

I am on Google WOOT!! my lens is getting better every day for 4 days of being up this is what my stats look like!

Created on 03/24/2010. Last updated: 03/28/2010

Rated:1 - I can do better2 - Jury's out3 - Pretty darn good4 - Splendiferous5 - Awesometastic (by 9 people)


Well if you are board come rate my lens i want it to go to the top.Be sure to put your links in so i can rate yours! Here is the link if you want to vote!
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rocktivity Premium
There's really nothing like seeing all that work pay off, is there? Google has finally indexed two of my web sites after nearly three weeks. Nice seeing them turn up on top of a search rather than my articles linking to them!
sox1n05 Premium
Dude, that is awesome! I checked out your lens and you did a HELLUVA job! It's clean and clear - easy to follow. Way to go - 5 stars!