My first sale for WA

Last Update: April 07, 2010

Holy crap, I did it! I havent even got my sight off the ground and my squidoo is doing work still for me! It may only be twenty bucks but guess what , I earned it within two months of starting my career online. Its just the start of whats to come so look out here I come!

peace WA and Thanks


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Not2Late Premium
I am truly happy for you. It helps me and all of us keep going, one sale at a time!! Glad you shared the info!!!
Louise M. Premium
Congratulations!! Keep up the good work ! :)
lukespook Premium
Well done! You must be over the moon. I am still building my squidoo lens, so I have my first sale to look forward to.
Keep it up!
kurri Premium
That's great Luke ... keep moving forward!
kadcpp Premium
Congratulations! I am jealous but happy for you as you deserve it with all your hard work.