Wordpress Magic-Wordpress Basics to Intermediate Level

Last Update: September 05, 2010

I am sharing my newest Clickbank product with my friends at WA-FOR FREE!


That is correct, FOR FREE.

 This package of Wordpress training is not even available yet at Clickbank as it is still going through the process of being set up. But because you are a WA member, I am going to give this to you with no strings attached. No optin, no nothing.

It's time to raise the bar on what is going on in the world of affiliate training and everyone needs a something to nudge them along a different points in their journey.

I hope you enjoy the videos and if you decide you may like autoblogging, I provide free training for that as well when you buy my recently developed Wordpress plugin for doing just that.


The plugin gets your articles for you so that you never have to write again (although you will have to always do a little writing, autoblogging helps improve your attitude a little :-) ).


Advanced training comes with the purchase of the plugin where I will show you  how to:

  • Use autoblogging to mine data from Google that you can turn into EXTREMELY profitable Adsense revenue
  • How to structure your sites for maximum performance and SEO
  • How to make your competitors show you what to do to beat them
  • How to turn a $1 per day autoblog into a $100 per month autoblog (this is the hottest of topics among my students)
  • How to create 100 autoblogs and manage them all from a single web page (huge time saver!)

  • And alot more tutorials and techniques I have made videos for and tested to be 100% viable and profitable.
So, if writing all those articles is getting difficult for you or wasting too much of your time, I can show you how to minimize the number of articles you need and make more money at the same time.

This isn't some lame gooroo sales pitch. It's the truth and I have plenty of people to back up what I am saying.


Enjoy the videos!


Get a 250 Page Website For $25 When You Buy Hosting Through This Banner

 ALSO, Get My AutoBlogging Training course For Free!

No Charge!



Just PM me your reciept and I will build your site right away.

Usually takes 24-48 hours but sometimes it's immediate.

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kadcpp Premium
Great Post Thanks! I have had to stop for a couple of months but plan on starting up again soon and these will help. I am also adding you as a buddy and plan on taking you up on one or more of your offers soon.
Garage667 Premium
Highly Appreciated!Thank you so much for sharing with us your work!
BradB Premium
Thanks man timely and appreciated.

I live and fish on Vancouver Island but I still have to say,,.....What a HONKIN FISH.!!!!
jatdebeaune Premium
Roger, I'm really excited now. Thank you. I'm about to do a WordPress blog. Perfect timing. Gold to you, my friend.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Roger, thanks for sharing your blog! Wordpress is such a powerful tool. Nice of you to share your resource with the WA family.