About Yarbrough76
Joined June 2008
My Name is Holly Yarbrough. I live in Laguna Hills, CA. My Husband and I are trying to break into the internet marketing world. We see it as the most realistic way that we both can stay home with our beautiful new baby boy, Logan! We have some friends that have been successful marketers online, and definitely see its potential. I am very excited and eager to learn. I am looking forward to connecting with like minded people and getting on the road to financial freedom!
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polaris7 Premium
Hi Holly!

What a lovely pic on your profile, feel welcome here on the WA, I´m learning a lot since this is my first week. Every minute that we invest in this amazing place is GOLD! I´m so excited to have our first sales and watch grow our biz. I love to be at home too and stay with my family as much as posible.

Have fun!
littlefoot828 Premium
Hi Holly, I love the picture of you and your son! My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and in the process I'm thinking ahead, I don't want to go back to work when I do have a child. So like you I'm here to get the show on the road and set myself up for success with Internet marketing, I look forward to learning with you....Cristi
RoraBlitz Premium
Hi Holly...Welcome to WA... WOW WOW WOW....LOVELY LOGAN... I LOVE BABIES... I wish one day i can share my pictures with my baby too... Welcome to Internet Marketing World Holly....
KenFleck Premium
Hi Holly, I also used to live in the OC! Welcome.
Merryn23 Premium
Hi Holly! We don't live too far apart - I'm in Carlsbad. I'm always looking to meet new friends who support this business (and me!) as well as be a support to each other. Feel free to contact me