My New Years Resolution Shipwrecked by EZA!

Last Update: February 16, 2011

I don't usually try to make New Year's Resolution because I haven't in the past been able to follow through and make them happen. But I decided to set some goals in Affiliate marketing and since I am doing article marketing,

 I was writing a certain number of articles per day. I am  using EZA mainly because my articles were ranking high in the three main search engines and I was getting in a groove writing every day. Keyword research seemed to be getting easier and I was feeling good about my ability as a article writer.

Then here comes EZA and burst my bubble ,they start rejecting my articles.Let me go back and explain,I had some problems of publishers using my articles on their site and omitting my resource box and of course my links to my website.So a WA member gave me a worthwhile suggestion to put a text anchor link in the body of the article. So I did and this was working well I thought because my articles at EZA were being published.

Now EZA says that my site that was promoting Wealthy Affiliate and because they have Rapid Writer was against their guidelines. Now I had one article on my whole site that referenced Rapid Writer(What's with that) So I took out the references of Rapid Writer  on my website and edited my articles by taking the article body links out and they have since published all of my articles. BTW did I mention that they suspended my account and have since reinstated it after about two weeks.

Well I am okay with EZA but I have been shipwrecked and can't seem to get back on track. This has been about two weeks and I can't seem to write one article and submit to EZA

Well just thought I would vent my troubles in article marketing so I can get back to writing. So if you might think your the only one having troubles,think no more!

PS I am learning a lot about how to get my articles published but I hope I can just stay ahead of the suspension axe of EZA!

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Labman_1 Premium
If you haven't started submitting over at Street Articles I would recommend that you give it a try. Yup that link in the problem...2 in the resource box..Yup..Promote WA...they encourage it. Can be a bit hard to figure out the first time but they are getting the kinks out.