About Zariey
Joined June 2010

My name is Zawahir Fitri from Malaysia.

I`m very new in the internet marketing and i have been scam many time after do some exploration about internet program that can benefit me but it is not going very well. Fortunately, i have found this website that can help me out to sharpen my knowledges in IM.

My interest surfing the internet and online gaming sometime but now i would to focus in learning within WA and earning..wish me luck!!
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Zariey Premium
that mean the keyword is the most important thing right? I have join the WA super affiliate for article marketing and want to focus only to promoting WA site. What do you think about this? Since i`m totally lost. Moreover, I`m not really good in English. How can i manage to write an article 1 day 1 article..I`m sorry if i`m asking you too much.
Zariey Premium
Oh..that mean i find the market 1st..then choose the keyword with the same market name..
klrrider Premium
Hi Zawahir and welcome to WA. You're being scamed days are over... everything is on the up and up here! Online gaming? What do you play? I like Counter Strike Source and Star Craft currently. Thanks for the buddy invite. Do good!
Zariey Premium
Hi Klrrider,
Yeah..those era is gone after i found WA.
I recently playing DOTA but for now less playing coz i want to concentrate in making money online..
welcome. Wish you luck!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Zawahir, Welcome and thanks for the invite. I most certainly do wish you luck.
Zariey Premium
Hi Jatdebeaune, Thanks for your wish..I wish you the same too..hope we can achieved success here..
Zariey Premium

My name Zawahir..i`m new here..hopefully i can gain knowledges here and earning too and get to know each other ^^
Nice to meet you all..