About 1new Trainee
Joined July 2012
Yes I am new to the computer and affiliate marketing. I spent about 10k with another group to know avail.. I desire to become proficient in the industry. How ever, I am no spring chicken. I am a retired Chiropractor, in my 76th year here on mother earth. When computers came out I was a stick in the mud type person who would not change. When I did go for a computer in my office, I hired some one to learn the programs etc. My only focus was to serve the sick and suffering. This is still my aim to serve others in a new field. I am willing to listen and learn what I must do to supplement my income. I suppose you could say I AM starting on page one in this new venture. All help and advise is welcome.... Aaron
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Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA! Thanks for the follow and if you need anything give me a shout!
thanks i shall call on you I'm sure..
Hudson Premium
HI there, I am sort of in the same age bracket as your good self. Don't even think about it. AM is for any of us, providing you keep expectations low in the beginning, work hard and above all else ask questions when you don't understand. I have followed this approach and am really enjoying it. Good luck, Best regards, Hudson
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi 1new trainee, I'm fairly new to computers myself. I've found, if you're stuck post a blog. You'll get a lot of answers from people and you can pick and choose what works best for you. Have fun, and good luck!
Thank you, Ms Linda, My problem is I am so computer illiterate I don,t know what questions to ask as it is all foreign to me. when I had my office I had some one else keep up with the tech stuff while served the sick and suffering. have a great day.
Thank you, for the clip. Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. I am 75 years young and computers are not my forte. However, I will succeed.. with everyone's patience and help.
mama2karsten Premium
Welcome! We all had to start somewhere. Some arrived here with lots of computer knowledge, some with none at all. What's important, is you are not alone. To start, I would like to share alink with you that was posted by another member (labman). Start
with this... I hope you'll find it inspiring. It's about 5 minutes long. After that... Post questions if you have them and someone will answer. You will fins plenty of help here from other members and owners that all started where you are at some point in time.
Here's the link. http://www.ted.com/talks/view/lang/en//id/1183. Enjoy!