Weird Pages Appeared On My Site

Last Update: March 23, 2011

Something strange happened to my site on the 3rd of March. I did not have access to broadband connection for over two weeks and only noticed it on Monday.

All of my pages since March the 3rd have a sister page that has same address with " ?fb_xd_fragment= " at the end of the URL. I do not know what these are but they waste half of my traffic. I have no idea how to get rid of them.

I've installed  all updates, I've checked all the links, obviously I can not edit those pages in WordPress nor delete them. From Google Analytics I know that 90%of the visitors to my " ?fb_xd_fragment= " pages come from their normal sister page, so when someone goes to my page he or she is most likely to end up on page.
This page is empty and then they leave. Since March the 3rd this cost me 108 unique visitors, which is half of my traffic (I know that's embarrassingly low, which is my other big problem but for now I'am worried because I am losing half of it).

So please, pretty please if any one knows what a ?fb_xd_fragment= page is and how to get rid of it let me know.

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AdamAdam Premium
Thanks Louise that dose explain a lot. Everyone seems to be saying it is harmless. I'm just afraid now that even if it is harmless it still spoils my Google Analytics.
Anyway thanks a lot for help.
Louise M. Premium
this bug is a facebook bug. it must come from a plugin you have that has a facebook "like" button I guess. Here's a forum where they talk about how to resolve the issue Hope that helps!