Using Google Instant (The Easy Way)

Last Update: June 02, 2012
Hi WA Folks,

Some of you may have used the Google Suggest search technique before where you enter a starting keyword then letter by letter you go through the alphabet to show extra keywords and phrases

Base keyword:
stop dog biting

Base keyword + "a":
stop dog biting and nipping
stop dog biting and jumping
stop dog biting another dog
stop dog biting and chewing
stop dog biting aggression
stop dog biting around food
stop dog biting arm
stop dog biting air
stop dog biting attack
stop dog biting attention

etc etc.....

Well I've just found a neat website that uses the Google Suggest search results to quickly give you ideas for additional keywords and phrases to build content for (without having to do the above process manually). There's also the ability to select & copy the keywords you want to the clipboard.

The site is: - go take a look and get Uber Suggesting!


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andre.ramos Premium
very useful, thank you very much!
Incognito Premium
Nice find Adrian, thanks!
lionseye Premium
Nifty little tool! I'll be using it often. Thanks.
tagwan Premium
Hi Adrian, I tried the suggest tool out and it works awesome. What a great tool! Thanks so much for sharing it. :-)
veronica.l Premium
Just did a search this tool is awesome :) Thanks for sharing that Adrian!