Your Very Best Topic To Speak About

Last Update: July 08, 2012
When giving a speech, people often wonder what they should talk about. Obviously, if you're already an expert in a certain area, you can promote that. And, quite honestly, everyone is already an expert in one very important thing. No research needed. In fact, you could probably put together a 30-minute keynote address on this topic, and never get tired!

What is this magic topic, you ask? YOURSELF.

You have a story to tell. Everyone does. You have had successes and failures; and probably many more of the latter. You have hobbies, a career, a family, and things you simply like to learn more about.

In Toastmasters, the very first speech you give is called the Icebreaker. It's called that for a reason: You are "breaking the ice" and getting up to speak for the first time.

Some people literally go up to the lecturn, take out 3 sheets of essay-style writing, and just read. Their legs shake, their voice trembles, they sweat......but they get through it. Lightning doesn't strike, people don't throw flaming arrows at them, and the walls don't cave in.

They did it. They gave their first "official" speech. More often than not, they speak about their resume, their childhood, or any number of other personal topics.

You are an expert on yourself, automatically. No thinking required, other than what points you want to cover. Wouldn't it be exciting to talk about that great spelling bee award you won in elementary school? Wouldn't it be funny to talk about the most awkward date you've ever been on? Wouldn't it be inspirational to talk about some crisis you managed to get through in your past?

I can't tell you how many times I have heard people give their Icebreakers, and see tears in their eyes once they were done. Not tears of sadness.....tears of joy. They had done it, and probably had a slightly easier time with it than they thought.

I remember one time in particular. This person had not given their Icebreaker yet, even though she had been a member of the group for over six months. She got up and spoke about her kids and where they went to college. One of the kids had a learning disability, so everyone told this person that college was not an option. Of course, the person proved everyone wrong, which was the message of the speech.

When she sat down (and started breathing again.....), I could see a few tears well up in her face. After the meeting, I approached her and asked about the tears. The person simply said "I did it, didn't I?". I said "You sure did!" and I said she should speak more often.

The barrier had been broken.....she gave a speech. I told her I looked forward to her next one, and she smiled, saying "I know just what I'm going to speak about".

Remember, you are the world's leading expert on YOURSELF. Start there, and you can't go wrong.
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anindochk Premium
I was a very shy boy who just couldn't speak in front of elders. One day, I got a chance to host a family get together. My uncle forcefully gave me the responsibility. It was then that I realized that I could do it. Moral of the story : Sometimes, necessity churns out the best in you. So, keep pushing yourself and start speaking!
Labman_1 Premium
Personal experience is certainly something we can all relate to. This assumes that the brain cells still exist to retrieve the memories.
mama2karsten Premium
I certainly have uncovered some cobwebs where they don't belong.
mama2karsten Premium
Interesting perspective... Thanks for the article