About Affventure
Joined January 2007
Greeting from Singapore!

Me and my girlfriend are in this affiliate adventure together :o)

I will be posting some interesting nuggets of videos or podcasts that I found all over the web in my WA blog below.

I personally prefer podcast because you can download it to your iPod and listen to it while on the move.

Hope you guys and gals finds it informative! :D
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FJCruz Premium
Hi Aff. Hey your friend's band sounds good! I have a friend here in Puerto Rico who has a band and has been trying to promote and sell it. Maybe WE can hook up sometime soon so you can show me how to help my friend. Can I add you as a buddy?
Bowdy Premium
Hi there Aff,
I like that you are in this with your girlfriend. It must be a cool thing to do together - then you can reap the rewards of "cash flow and time" together too!
I saw that you had a Tim Ferriss vid. on your WA blog. I am a big fan. He does break things down quite nicely, but sometimes I think he oversimplifies - such as his explanation of using adwords to test campaigns - slightly harder than he makes out.
Have you read his book?

Hi Aff, I just joined yesterday and I am looking for buddies. To be honest your picture is what attracted me ...............very entertaining and creative. It's cool that you and your girlfriend are in this together. My boyfriend and I are also going at this as a team. If you have any tips that would help a newbie that would great.
kyle Premium Plus
Nice work on the blog dude! Lookin' good...
Affventure Premium
Thanks for the WA blog comment, Kyle... :o)
Carson Premium Plus
Carson Premium Plus
Affventure Premium
Thank you Carson!... I'll do my best to improve on my WA blog :D
Affventure Premium
Thanks for the WA YouTube video, Carson!... now I can add it in my Squidoo lens :D