Your Seven Keys of Success

Last Update: October 18, 2009

After 2 months, the internet marketing is beginning to make good sense. Even though I have not made a lot of money, I must say that I have gathered much information about this business.

One of the keys of success is to find the appropriate information to fulfill one's dream.

I have written a book entitled 'Seven Keys of Success'. That was way back in 1992 before Stephen Covey's 7 habits.

These are the keys in their basic forms.

1. Confirmation - You have to confirm with God and within your spirit, that this is what you really want to do.

2. Visualization - You have to see where you want to go before you can reach there.

3. Verbalization - Speak your dream. Talk like a victor instead of a victim.

4. Information - Gather the right information to achieve your dream

5.  Association - Associate with greatness and you will be great. Associate with losers and you will soon be a loser yourself.

6. Concentration - Stay focused to your dream and do not become distracted with too many offers.

7. Actualization - Just do it. A lot of talk is no use. We have to put those talks into action.

With these seven keys, you can open almost any doors of success.

God bless



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Andrew4Study Premium
Yeah, i came to conclusion on 2 of your keys myself in the learning process, thats great stuff. Thanks, for sharing
Scotsteel Premium
Great post - inspiration and action. Thank you