Who Says You Only Learn to Walk Once?

Last Update: September 06, 2011

My husband suffered a brain injury a few years ago and had to relearn everything, even walking. It's been a year since I joined WA and I've finally resigned myself to knowing I have to learn to walk again too.

At first I was so excited to find WA that I just wanted to jump in and squeeze everything I needed to learn into a week, a day if I could. I really didn't realize how much I needed to relearn before I was ready to actually get started. 

I followed the action plans, I joined the 30 day clubs, I read, I watched WAbinars but I was still missing something. And, now I know what that something was. It was the instant success I was hoping for. That check in the mail or figures in the paypal account that would magically show up after I created my first website or article. 

But, that just wasn't the case. And boy, was I disappointed. So, being the die hard that I am, I took a step back and really evaluated where I was. 

First, I needed to forget about the money. That was confirmed when I recently read Eddy Soloman's post. Great job by the way. But it's not just for the ethical reasons it's because I needed to give myself some time to learn and absorb what I was learning.

For example, keyword research, SEO, how to create a good wordpress site, what a feeder site was, how to write for the internet and so on. That's a lot when you think about it. So how on earth could I expect to just jump right in and make a living within a week? Not gonna happen, at least not for me.

I'm also the mother of two, my husband is recovering from a coma/brain injury, I'm working toward a CPA, building my own accounting practice, homeschool the kids, run an online store that's more of a hobby and working toward a Master's degree.

That was when I had one of those duh! moments and realized I needed to set some priorities. So I gave myself permission to take it easy with the internet marketing, learn and work at the same time and just have fun with it. 

Now I feel like I'm actually on my way to making some headway. I feel like I've absorbed a ton of information and that I can apply it now. I'm revamping my sites and getting ready to do what I am very passionate about and that is writing and helping others.

I guess my whole point is that I needed to learn to crawl before I could walk and I'll have to walk for a while before I can run. But I'm okay with that. I know everyone's circumstances aren't the same as mine. But if you're reading this and you're new to WA, I think the best advice I could give you is to slow down and give yourself some time to learn. The 30 day club is an awesome opportunity for coaching.

It's my one year aniversary and I feel like I've made leaps and bounds as far as learning what internet marketing is all about. Here's hoping for success at taking that next big step. 

Take care everyone! Thank you WA!


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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome Back Ally. Sounds like you have a good plan. I find that an occasional visit to Jay's OLD WAbinars helps to get them planted firmly in my brain. Sometimes it takes a few rounds to wake up the brain cells.