About Ambassador
Joined July 2009
Hello All,
My name's Adam, based in Ottawa, Canada. My site name's "ambassador". This is my very first venture into Internet Marketing. I figure I'd find my own niche with a little help from my friends at WA. There's only an upside to the global proliferation of Internet Marketing and I'd like to learn as much as I can.

I'm a freelance writer branching out into writing screenplays. Action/Thrillers and Broad Comedies are my focus, But breaking through the walls of Hollywood also takes time and a modicum of luck. But above all, it takes patience, persistence and perseverance. Which is a good thing. Now I'll just have to apply those three P's to IM.

That's why I'm here. To learn, thrive and grow. Who knows? One day I might invite you all to my movie screening! Any and all insights vastly appreciated.
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ElleCanuk Premium
Welcome to WA. I love good writing. Good luck. I'm from Vancouver - a recent member.
ambassador Premium
Thanks for the welcome, Elle. I wish you all the best here as well.
Louise M. Premium
Welcome Adam !

Glad to have you here !
Few advices to start in case you were not sure :

- Start the 8 week action plan NOW ! :)
- Read all the sticky posts in the forum.
- Complete the tutorials in the learning center.
- Ask all the questions you have !

I'll be glad to help you with any questions you may have. Just PM me if you need !

See you around and good luck !

Louise M. Premium
Here's what I did :
First I started the 8 week action plan. During the first week, there wasn't a lot of things to do so I completed 2 or 3 tutorials (junior level). Then I realized during the second week that tutorials were "included" in the 8 week action plan. But not all of them I think, or at least not in the same order (a senior level tutorial during week 3).
It can bring some confusion I agree.
What I think is, don't go too fast and don't think you really "completed" a tutorial just because you read it and rated it. You gotta understand what you read and feel ready to apply it. So do the tutorials in the 8 week action plan and if you have time, want to learn new things in advance because you feel that you master the previous ones, go ahead with new tutorials ! If not, slow down a bit, read again the tutorials you completed and follow the step by step training in the 8 week action plan.

Let me give you an example in case I'm not making myself clear enough :
Let's say you completed the article marketing tutorial through the 8 week action plan. You understood it and even wrote your first article. Then you notice that there's an article about squidoo optimization in the learning center, not yet mentionned in the 8 week action plan. You definitely should complete it because you understood article marketing and took action by writing an article ! :) When the squidoo optimization tutorial will pop up in your 8 week action plan, you'll be glad to know already about it and why not read it again ?!

I hope I answered your questions ! :) Tell me if that was helpful !

ambassador Premium
Thanks for the welcome and tips, Louise. Much appreciated.
ambassador Premium
Hi Louise, just a quick question: Did you find it better to study the tutorials within the 8 week course or to study it independently at your own pace? There's a lot of info to absorb and any tips and tricks would help. Thanks.
ambassador Premium
Thanks for answering my questions. That was helpful indeed.
zuoguanggao Premium
Hello Adam: I am in Toronto. I don't know how to write. That is why I didn't go to ezine and goarticles. But after I link other people links to my lens, I got click too. No sale yet.
ambassador Premium
Hi, thanks for stopping by. I don't think that you need to be a professional writer to start creating through article marketing... I'm just into my second week and learning, but as soon as I get a handle on things, I'll be happy ot share.