Posts by Amsnead 2
I don't think any avenue for making money should be overlooked and so I'm addressing one area that may be of interest to both fiction and non-fiction writers: Amazon Kindle. Put together your own book and market it on Amazon Kindle for “free”. It can be a book about anything you choose, a compilation of articles, short stories, a novel, a how-to book on any subject – whatever you want. I wrote a fiction novel and uploaded it on Kindle, and it was quite simple to do. I&#
August 18, 2012
I recently uploaded a novel to Kindle. It is titled - "Hour of Darkness". Below is an excerpt. If anyone wants to read the full book, you can do so at - As well as being an artist, I love to write. If you happen to read the book, please come back here and let me know what you thought of it. Constructive criticism is welcome as well as praise :) hehe. Seri