Help Yourself if You Want to Be Helped

Last Update: May 15, 2012
I recently got the latest O Magazine and there was a little interview with Chris Rock.  He talked about how he used to have a crappy car back in the day and how it always used to break down on him.

He said that when he just stood their trying to flag help that no one stopped.  But anytime he would get out and start pushing, drivers would stop and help him.

He found that people will go out of their way to help people who they see trying to help themselves. 

So moral of the story is, if you want help, help yourself!

If you are here inside WA, then you've got that "help yourself" spirit in you.  And we are all here to help you while you're helping yourself!

Believing is Seeing
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Sielke Premium
Great post! I am all about self-enabling yourself. Its hard for me to justify taking my time to help someone that is just too lazy to look for the answer themselves but those who found the answer but don't understand, those I love to help.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's very true Angelle, and it's a blessing. We all need help and we all need to help ourselves. Help is there.
Stacydee Premium
Great lesson! Thanks