The Best Goals for Internet Marketing Newbies

Last Update: November 21, 2010

While we all know that goal setting is a very important part of internet marketing, we usually don't give much thought to making sure we set good goals.  We get goals confused with wishes and when those wishes don't come true, we get discouraged and want to quit.

Setting wishful goals is one of the best ways to set yourself up to fail.  Especially when you are new. 

Now when you joined WA, I'm sure you had visions of sugar plums dancing in your head about all the money you will make.  And with that in mind, you probably set your first monetary goal.  I'm sure it was a modest one, but monetary none the less.  

But is that goal more of a wish?

Think about it this of the golden rules of goal setting is that it must be attainable.  So if you are brand new, never made a dime yet, how do you know what's attainable?

You don't!

I'm really not trying to be a killjoy here.  I'm just being honest.  If you set a goal and you have no idea how to get to that goal, then you probably won't get there.

Now this doesn't mean you should quit WA, hang up your keyword tools and vow never to write another article again.   You just need to start with what you know.  

Here's what I mean...

You may not know what it takes to make $25 a day yet, but you DO know what it takes for you to write an article or two a day.

You do know if you can devote an 2 hours a day to your IM efforts.  

You do know what it takes to wake up before the rest of your family so you can have some quiet time to do keyword research.

Get my drift?  

The best goals you can start out with as a newbie are goals around consistency.  Forming the habits you need to build your business one article, lens, site, and keyword at a time.  

If you are just starting out, toss the monetary goal for now and focus on setting task level goals.  Focus on sharpening your skills and increasing your content. Focus on seeing your campaigns out to completion and then starting a new one.  

Those are goals that you can attain, because you already know what it takes.  And when you reach those goals, you'll be encouraged by your progress instead of being upset that you missed the mark.

And with encouragement comes the courage to keep trying.  And the more you try, the more you put out there, the more opportunities you have to get...yes that's right...SALES!!

The best of the best to you!!!

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jimmywrex Premium
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
Konquer Premium
Great post! You hit the nail on the head with me on that one. Question is, are the check out goals in the action plan for beginners sufficient?
ROWP Premium
Thank you! I have been avoiding looking at the goals I set on my first day because I know I have blown them all! I failed to understand how much learning I had to do just to get my first article out there! I will take your advice and what I have learned and set some new goals that I KNOW I can attain.
Louise M. Premium
Very good article! I do think by setting modest but attainable goals, the joy and encouragement it gives when you do attain them make you aim for bigger ones and it does push you to take action because everything is more clearer then. Thx!
alex_m Premium
Hello Angelle. I agree 100% with you.Setting the right goals is very important and focusing towards them. Since I'm newbie myself-I'm focusing now on research, finding the KW and start article writing