The True Wealth of Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: April 10, 2010

There is no doubt that Wealthy Affiliate is probably the most comprehensive Internet Marketing membership site out there.  Anything you could imagine from guides, planning tools, niche packages,and hosting (just to name a few) are available.

 But honestly, there are lots of others out there who could set up the same kind thing, charge for it, get members and so forth.  

 In my experience, the thing that cannot be duplicated are the many members here at WA.  Those of you who share your triumphs, your failures, your worries, your laughter, your humanity with everyone else here.

Don't get me wrong, the things I've learned from reading and following the guides has taught me so much, the tools help me every day and I am learning more than I ever imagined. 

 But what hits home more than anything else for me is the friendship and goodwill.  Not only being able to chat with and learn from the best in the biz.  Folks who take the time to be accessible to someone they don't know whose trying to come up. 

But also being able to chat with others who are fighting the same battles I am.  People who understand how I'm feeling and who keep me inspired to keep moving even when I feel like I don't know what I could possibly have left to give.

The positive attitudes, the never give up spirits, the pep squads for the smallest all know what I'm talking about.  

 All of you are the soul of WA.  You make it easier to keep trying.  To keep smiling.  To keep hoping and believing.   Achieving a dream is only a matter of time, patience, and determination.   Faith.  You all remind me of that everyday.  And that gives me strength to keep on moving forward. 

 So I guess you all were on my mind this AM.  And I just wanted to take a couple mintues to say THANK YOU!  You guys make a difference for me everyday. 

I wish you all success & blessings beyond your wildest dreams!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Because of the extraordinary people here, I've been a happier person. So I know what you mean. Yes, the community is the heart and soul of WA.
Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for the love and good vibes!
Louise M. Premium
Thank you so much for this post! I do share this feeling and I know the great strength of WA is the community. I get help from people every day and give back as much as I can. Even with the greatest possible tools, people will always make the difference :)