Trading Doom & Gloom for Hope and Promise

Last Update: May 29, 2010

There is so much in the world these days to be pretty down about.  It hit close to home this week when I saw someone that I have known and worked with for years get handed his walking papers.  And I know that anyone can be next.  Including me.  

I felt really bad that day.  Bad for him and his family and scared for me and mine.  

I got weary of feeling bad and decided to resist the urge to go to bed depressed.  Instead, I decided to work on my latest campaign.  Got a lot done that night.  And strangely enough, I woke up peaceful the next morning.  Even kinda happy.  

Now I'm not crazy.  It's still possible that I could end up without a job just like anyone else.  But I just can't help feeling hopeful. 

See oddly enough, over these months of struggling to learn IM, I guess I've reprogrammed my mind to believe that I can do this and that I will be successful.  It's that faith in things unseen thing I guess.   :-)  

Anyway, just sharing my thoughts.  Time to make the IM doughnuts!  :-) 

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!!


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docoparco Premium
Hi Angelle, thanks for sharing your thoughts which are encouraging. It is good to have faith and the greatest joy is to be rewarded for our faith, especially when dreams become reality. Let us keep the faith and keep pressing on.
I would like to add you to my buddy list and hope you will do the same. Take good care and be of good cheer everywhere.

I would like to invite you to my buddy list
iFaith Premium
"Faith in things unseen" .. hope and promise of good things yet to come. Nice! Off to make some tea and imagining self eating your IM doughnuts! :o)