Retire Young And Frugal With Savings Highway

Last Update: September 29, 2009

Frugal is NOT a Dirty Word! It doesn’t mean you are cheap either. In fact, frugality is a valuable skill for building wealth. Frugality means choosing to make the most of your money, to focus on everyday costs, to recognize that small amounts matter. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a skill that everyone can practice, and it lays the foundation for sound financial habits that can be used in all aspects of your life. Frugality keeps you focused on goals. It is 100% possible to retire young AND frugal by joining the Savings Highway Club!

Do not confuse frugality with depriving yourself. Frugality doesn’t mean living like a pauper, it’s about making smart choices to reach your goals; it’s not about living a life devoid of pleasure. If you could save money on things you purchase anyway like food, gas, gifts, vacations, entertainment, dining, shopping, why wouldn’t you? Savings Highway provides these savings and a whole lot more.

It’s sad to see what has become of American culture. We’re a nation of mindless shoppers, and virtues such as frugality are looked down on. Well not me! I’ll say it loud and proud…”I’m frugal and proud of it!” It’s all about spending on your passions and limiting elsewhere. No deprivation involved. Just living within your means and skipping out on stuff you don’t really need and it’s paying off for me big time!

I strive to be frugal and generous. Frugal with resources, generous with time, gifts, hospitality, etc. It gives me great pleasure to pick up a restaurant tab knowing I printed off my Savings Highway $25 coupon.

I’ve noticed that the focus has shifted away from collecting material items “just because” and more towards making smarter decisions on how we are spending our money. These days, wealth represents the freedom to spend time with family and friends and enjoy simple pleasures of life. It represents freedom of the stress of just making ends meet. Savings Highway provides both huge savings while also providing the opportunity to earn a large amount of money, depending on how aggressive you want to build your business it’s completely possible to retire young in as little as 12 weeks to 12 months so you can have time for the important things in life.

The problem is, people think they have to choose one or the other. They say, “I can be happy now or I can be happy later.” This is based on a scarcity mindset, that you’ll never have enough money to buy everything you want, so you have to choose what and when.

Optimally though, you would get to have everything you want right now AND in the future. You would live in a state of total abundance where you could have anything you want it, whenever you want it, both now and down the road because you have chosen to retire young by joining Savings Highway and taking advantage of what we have to offer.

Savings Highway has really taken off since people are quickly realizing that by not joining, they might as well be flushing their hard earned money down the toilet.

I’m working toward a state where I experience absolute financial freedom both in the present and in the future. To do that, I have to both increase my income and have the discipline to set aside a portion for the future.

To me, that’s the ultimate financial goal, and it’s the only one I care to work toward.

It is my mission to educate people and bring savings and financial wealth everywhere!

Angie Mitchell
Skype: angiebt79828

MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to assist 1 Million families in the USA to reach Financial Independence. By providing American families with a Membership they can use to save money including benefits like Family Dental, Vision and Health Savings, 24 Hour Roadside Assistance, Savings on Dining, Shopping, Office Supplies, Recreation, Travel, Taxes and more, and combining all of these great benefits with our 2 who refer 2 “Retire Early” system, we can reach our goal of assisting 1 Million Savings Highway Families to find Financial Independence, and have fun along the way!

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