First three days

Last Update: September 09, 2010

I finally joined after a long though on 9/7/2010.

Several members welcomed and said that I made a good decision.
I thought so too, but my effort and time will tell me.

On the first day, I read the first two lessons. There were checkboxes that I had to check. I completed and checked the boxes except 'Buying a domain' because I didn't which domain name I have to buy. So, I cheated as if I had bought one. But, due to the time lock I couldn't proceed. I left a message on new members' greeting forum. Neil responded and give a tip about wordpress. On this date, I haven't looked at it yet. One of the things on my to do list. 

I read about Squidoo. I was a bit encouraged and decided to try the next day. Potpiegirl said linking a blog to a lens will make a better chance. I was curious about how this things work.

On the second day, I searched forums regarding Squidoo. Lots of member were talking about squidoo's changed policy or attitude. And some member wouldn't recommend squidoo as a starting practice. A little bit confused. Shall I try or not? And I read a blog posting 'Tips for new members'. Slightly motivated but didn't know what to do. Other forum posting said that this feeling is normal and that it will take some time. This means that I'm currently impatient. In part, this is my nature. I normally don't sit around doing nothing. I tried to change this for a long time. But, I can't change this. I just accept that this is me. I left some replies to other members welcoming messages. I added them to my buddy list. 

On the third day, I saw a few more messages from members. I added them to buddy messages, but I didn't reply to them. Rather I went to their blog and saw what their background is and how they are doing. I had to fix a turn table, so left the WA till late afternoon. When I came back, I really wanted to see how successful campaigns look like. I don't know where to look. People say that I don't have to be an English major but it looks like writing is an important skill to have. I thought I'd better write something.  So, I'm writing this, just a babble.

Tomorrow I can continue the training Lesson #3. Let's what is in there.


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