Newbie? Haven't gotten a single $1 online?

Last Update: March 17, 2010

Hello there,

I'm Jose and I've been a member here at WA for only 39 days, and, boy it feels like a long time because of the huge amount of provided resources 

Recently I posted about my first success that involved getting someone to join to WA under my affiliate link []

As a newbie mindset, online success is not really hard to believe it happens but I guess it's harder to believe that success could happen to YOU.

Literally, this is MY FIRST YEAR in IM [Internet marketing] and I had no previous knowledge of this. But, because of the recent recession and the fact I'm just starting my job career [I'm a college student]; I wanted to start right and really live all those successful stories I always heard in the past from people getting paid from the internet. So I set to myself a goal for this year and change my lifestyle.

I learned about WA like a year ago but it wasn't until this January when I decided to join. [I was afraid of getting involved in a scam but thanks to Eddie's post is the reason I'm here]. The thing is I didn't have the money to pay and I just didn't want to ask mommy & daddy. So, as I became more familiar with IM terms, I learned about GPT sites.

GPT stands for Get Paid To

Before I move on, I do want to stress this thread is not intented to get people sign up under me. Being honest, I'd like to, but it's not my purpose for this post.

I found this site called There are a bunch of these sites out there! They're a great, easy way to get extra cash.

Now, I know it's not even compared to anything really taught in here [article marketing, PPC, bum markinting] but GPT sites do have sorta bases on those IM branches.

All you do in GPT sites is:

- doing quizzes for personal insight,

- and surveys for industries trying to get information from average-Joes

For each 'offer' you complete, the advertiser pays you certain amount of cash.

The first GPT site I joined was CrownGPT and for my first day I was extremely happy to earn $5 USD, again, the very first day. As Carson mentioned in the Getting Started guide [now, the Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan]m, the first dollar you make online is the most rewarding and memorable in your internet marketing career.

I try different other GPT sites but I would always stick back to CrownGPT:

[Notice they don't have any affiliate links, just plain links]

None were compared to CrownGPT for me (I'm not saying these are bad sites, they just didn't work for me BUT CERTAINLY MIGHT WORK FOR YOU)

some of CrownGPT benefits:

-$5 USD are the minimum to cashout

- AlertPay, check, and PayPal INSTANT withdraw methods

- Amazon gift cards, eBay gift cards, Visa eGift, and WalMart gift cards when redeeming points

- You can earn both cash and points

- monthly and bi-weekly contests for cash ($50, $75, $100 USD, game consoles, gift cards)

- You will earn 15% of your level 1 referrals earnings

- You will earn 5% of your level 2 referrals earnings (your referrals' referrals)

These are my earnings for January and February, as well as for March so far

Jan $52.95

Feb $59.87

here are two recent screenshots from what I got from CrownGPT

This certainly belongs to the IM 'minor leagues' but it's a START. Again, the purpose of this is for those who haven't gotten a single $1 online may feel what it feels like. Besides, this could help you to pay your $39 payment so basically the internet would pay for your internet marketing education, isn't it GREAT!

Now, I am giving you the choice to either sign up under me, meaning using my affiliate link, or just signing up without becoming my referral.

My referral link:


I must add if you register under me, you do help me.  :)

Please, just don't stick with this forever! This is just if you haven't gotten any sale from your campaigns and you're worried about your next WA payment. I'm doing this but once I start getting constant earnings from my IM campaigns I would no longer need CrownGPT.

Feel free to ask me anything or share your opinions.

Happy earnings!


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Erness1909 Premium
Es bueno escuchar esos comentarios y saber que no voy solo. Gracias
Erness1909 Premium
Es bueno escuchar esos comentarios y saber que no voy solo. Gracias