Wealth Adventures

Last Update: July 17, 2010

 Seems to me the issue with getting to grips with IM is the volume of information and the relevance of information.

Thing is  outside WA there is no end of free and paid info.  Some of it good, some of it bad, some of it out of date and some of it pure scam.

Inside WA it is a little bit better.  At least I am pretty sure that most of the info is benevolent ~ intended to help me ~ and I'm pretty sure that most of the info is curent.

Mind you, even here there are various different takes on the same thing.  I noticed that around Wpordpress Express blog and funnel for WA Affiliates.  There are some other quick start resources around promotng WA which clearly are older the WP Express solution. Which way to jump?  How to decide?

I'l ponder on that.

So why wealth adventures.  When I see my some concentrate for hours on computer games and five minutes on his homework I know something is going on.  Same person different levels of focus.

Well, with the game the objective is clear and associated with a desired outcome, feedback is instantaneous and the process is engaging.  With homework the objective is  less clear, certainly less desired, feeback is delayed (oftem by many years) and the process is much less engaging.

No wonder the game gets the attention. So how can we use this to our advantage?

Well. first WA makes the process self contained with action steps so shor term goals are clearer.  Completing stages unlocks further modules so feedback (short of earning $$$) arrives more quickly and the forums and WA spaces make the process more engaging.  Half the work is done for us.

What we can do is recognise the characteristics of the scenario which creates involvement. Make goals clear, reward yourself for progress, get involved in the forums and WA Spaces, pick niches you're fascinated by and develop the mindset that this is an engaging adventure.

Be like my son.  Get involved in the game.  Then you'll find your attention and focus support you through to the end game.  Good luck. Mike  

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iFaith Premium
Wealth adventures - good wording and description. We're all on an adventure - IM success. It is good to have you along for the ride - Cheers!
I know on authority that WA does have some outdated info. Case in point is the feeder sites, which have been replaced with the blog and funnel site but not removed. Everything else I've come across has been fine. My advice (and keep in mind I'm only in my first week here at WA) is to expose yourself to as much as possible here but to be selective about your direction. Apply the skills that are taught, use the tools that will help you the most and that you're comfortable with. If something makes you uncomfortable, don't automatically reject it but don't dive into it head first either. Learn more or see if there is an alternative that suits you better. I came across the blog/funnel tool and set one up, then took it down because I was just too uncomfortable with it for now. Maybe I'm not ready for it, maybe it's just not ever going to be right for me. I'm working on what does feel right to me and am learning so much. The point is there is no one size fits all with Internet Marketing. Everyone is going to approach it a little differently. We are a diverse group and we can learn so much from each other, then apply what will work best for us. And I guess what I meant to say is that if something doesn't look right about the material, drop Kyle or Carson a line and ask them a question. I did because I was looking through the feeder sites and saw discrepancies in the membership price. I PM'd Carson and his response was timely. That's how I know the feeder sites are outdated and why I suspect there might be other outdated material here. WA has so much info and so many resources there's bound to be some older stuff lurking around.
martinact420 Premium
Nice way of putting it...