My day in WA

Last Update: March 02, 2010


Day/Hari # 1


Hari pertama sign up WA, tawakkal je pada tuhan dengan apa yang aku buat ni..harap-harap dapat belajar benda yang betul dan dapat hasilnye tak lama lagi..

ada tak rakyat malaysia kat dalam ni?akalau ada seronok la least kalau xpaham boleh la tanya-tanya kat kawan-kawan malaysia..

Nak share sikit, nampaknya saya akan terima cahaya mata kedua tahun ni.Mintak-mintak jadila baby tu.. so kenala kerja kuat tahun ni..sebab tu saya nak cari duit lebih dengan internet ni..

dua tiga bulan ni pun saya buat research tentang buat duit dengan internet,domain pn dah ada..malangnya saya xde idea nak watpe ngan domian tu..harap-lepas masuk WA dapatla permata yang bernilai untuk hidup saya pasni..




 1st day after sign up with WA, prayed to the Lord yhat i've taken the correct action by joining WA as learning platform. Hopefully there something that i can achieve here..

is there any Malaysian here? ithink it might be helpful if there is malaysian in this comunity..easier to comunicate with the same language rite?

 just wanna share, the best news ever!! mywife pregnant!!yey!!cant wait to that moment..(this ganna be our second baby)..that motivated me to do some extra job to get extra money for our future..thats why i choose IM as an option..(hoping this ganna be true)

 since few month ago ive done my own research about how to make money with the internet. even i've taken my own step to have my own registered domain and hosting.eventually i've no idea what to do with it..(OMG)..hope there is some germ taht i can get from WA..till next time frenz!!






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