About B4573
Joined January 2009
Hi I am Bruce Mackay I live in Northwestern Canada Smithers BC .My hobbies are fishing ,hunting and golf and golf . Mi wife Diane and I own a daycare that is doing quite well . I work at a sawmill but plan to retire as of June when I turn fifty five.If this works April fifteenth or sooner if I can.
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B4573 Premium
This is my fourth month working on the computer I still have not made any money. If this keeps up I may quit in a couple years.I am learning to type still . I Have been in other programs such as Building on A Budget by Mike Dillard ,Dot Com secrets with Russ and I have tried three MLM s and thats three to many although I am still doing som of there products like the energy drinks from forever green and Fonvantage VOIP phone service.Diane works for the BC forest service and has just moved up to Deputy Fire centre Manager .I have seven children and nine grandchildren and I am to tired to work as a labourer any more as it just hurts so I have a lot of incentive to succeed at this.
Riddle Lo Premium
Thanks Bruce! Here is your gold :) I hope you make BIG success! with your journey!
Riddle Lo Premium
If you ever want some help with anything or just want someone to talk just send me a PM :)
Riddle Lo Premium
hey! lol sure what are some things that you would like to know? i happen to be unemployed myself :( talk soon! take care
B4573 Premium
Hi Ramond I am just trying to get my site up and loaded this is my first and it will be about the employment problems and using WA to solve them .I am still looking for a few things relevant to that to sell .Could use some input if you have any time.
Pat D Premium
Hi Bruce, I have been here less than one month, I am learning a lot and hope to make some money. I have searched the internet for 3 years for some way to make money on line and this is hands down the best site I have found. I am 49 years old and have been a general contractor in Southern California for most of my life. I tried to get out of this line of work and went to work for a contractor supply to open a new warehouse sales branch. We did quite well (Out did most of the other locations) until the owner died and his son took over and let me go. There is nothing like workings for your self, when you build something up you don%u2019t have to worry about someone screwing you out of it.
I am just starting to try and write my first article for squidoo also. This internet marketing is all new to me and I seem to get brain fade when it comes to writing anything. For me the computer part is the easy part, I have done networking, copper cabling, and fiber optic cabling and so on.
Welcome and if I can be of any help please let me know. God Help us all.
Pat D
B4573 Premium
Hi Pat this is Bruce I got your email but don't no how to find the message .I am new here as you can tell and it's going to take me a bit to get around .I worked one year in the oil patch in northern Alberta but that was twenty years ago.I now live in the north west just a hundred miles south of hyser Ak. The moose hunting is great and I can usualy get a few salmon every year . The golf season is short .But every thing in life seems to be a trade off. Bruce
BIZBIZ Premium
Hello bruce , i have been here 2 months , been learning a lot , never been doing any internet marketing either !! I am a car carrier by trade , been doing this for 20 years and have been driving tractor trailer for 33 years , i'm 55 years old now !!! i'm starting to write my first article for squidoo , i just finished my 8 week tutorial, still little fuzzy about it , but i keep going back to refresh my self , ( seems the older you get you have to keep up with it all more ) have to stay on top of this more !!! but welcome & good luck at wealthy affiliate see you in the forum !!
B4573 Premium
Hi bizbiz this is bruce or b4573 .This looks like the right place to be I have tried a few others but there's no support in most so for a beginer it's tough. squidoo is straight forword but it takes time read the tips first it likes personal content to and there is some good people there thats how I found this site.Well I'll keep in touch Bruce.