WA Bodies that deserve a BIG Kssssss

Last Update: July 23, 2010

Yes, this shoud not be taken for granted and  those taking extra efforts to support others deserve commendation. As we say "Time is Money", those WA guys who really volunteer to look into the problem of others deserve our BIG Ksssses. When you reached your limit and get someone unexpectingly giving you a hand is really unforgetable.

 I got stuck with my WA Blog funnel system having a glitch, researching and in doubt, got a a  PM from BKB2012 trying to help solve my problem. I said to myself, what fine place it is at WA where members do show interest on problems of others. This is just confirming one my first great impressions about WA  when Welshy offered to assist in my hosting problem. What a good example to find such people who will leave the chasing  of profit to assist others. 

 A good spirit to keep up and  pass over!

 Money can't pay for such,







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Tamarind Premium
bkb2012 is really helpful. It impressed me as well!
amethystmoon Premium
I have said and thought this many times
The WA community is the best.
Good luck to you.
jatdebeaune Premium
I join you in that!
Jamie Smith Premium
One Love
Sherion Premium
So true. As we learn more we will be able to help others too!