My first article

Last Update: March 16, 2011

hi every one  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

just finished to write my first article. and it was sooo hard!

since English is not my spoken language it took me a lot of time.

but there's a tip to all of you that English isn't their mother tong:

try first to write your article at your speaking language and only then translate it to English.

for me it works well: have a look


try it.


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Lilly-Rose Premium
I just read your article and thats a very soothing topic you wrote about and you wrote it very well, thnx for the info i need to change my alarm clock even though i wake up quick, when the alarm goes dinggg, bam im up and about probably not too good either, but i like to be on time , im never late.
thnx barry
April2012 Premium
Really enjoyed your article. Way to go. Keep up the good work and keep those articles coming!