Weekend Warrior- Site Improvement

Last Update: June 16, 2012
Hello everyone!

Thanks for dropping by!

I have spent the weekend working on my blog and trying to follow the recommendations of my WA followers. I would love to know if the changes I made have helped or hindered the appearance and usability of my site. This is what I did (and hope it will achieve):
  • Disabled many of my plugins (load the site faster)
  • Got rid of the floating Social Button (make my site less annoying)
  • Increased the size of my font (12 px to 14 px) and changed it from Times New Roman to Helvetica (make it easier to read)
  • Masked my paragraph long affiliate links (increase greater CTR? and give the viewer a better idea as to where they are going next- masked links have fewer characters and gibberish)
  • Added more subtitles on the first page (make it easier to read)
  • Added a Purpose subtitle to the first page (let people know what my site is about)
I still plan to add more bullets and divide some of my posts so that they aren't so long. When I visit people's sites that have long posts, I start scanning for the nitty gritty details. I plan to make some of my posts shorter and easier to read by changing the format.

Please drop by my site. I'd love to read your critiques! Thanks!
If you tell me you want my opinion about your site, I'll return the favor.

Have a great day!
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Labman_1 Premium
I like what you have done with the place. One thing Vendor is not spelled vender. Might want to locate that. It's on your shopping page.
Beckywahm Premium
Good noticing. I'll have to find that and fix it ;) Thanks for the insights, too.
Beckywahm Premium
Wow! That was 4 times the variation of vendor was used. Thanks. It looks bad when a home school site has obvious mistakes.