About Bestforthefamily
Joined April 2010
Hi there! My name is Karen. I am a wife, mom to 4 - 14 and 7 year old stepsons and my 12 year old and 9 month old daughters, and my furkids, two miniature dachshunds named Sophie and Baby.

IM is something that I really enjoy learning and implementing what I learn. My goal is to make more than enough income from my internet marketing work that I can work from home to spend more time with my family - my number one priority. I need to be making at least 60k a year in canadian dollars before I can quit my job. $150 per day (my third goal after $50/day and $100/day) will be a very exciting time for me!

I live in beautiful Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia (home of Sidney Crosby!) but only recently moved here in March 2008 from beautiful Victoria BC - where Kyle and Carson live! Moving across the country was a big step for us but it was for love.

My husband and I met in 1981 - grade 7 - in Lahr, West Germany where our dads were posted for the military. Hubby and I reconnected on Facebook in 2007 and as he is a marine engineer with the Canadian Navy in Halifax and his sons live here, it was easier for us to move to the east coast. If anyone ever gets up this way, be sure to let me know and I will give you the grand tour!

I am a financial planner and work for a bank but my goal is to excel at affiliate marketing so that I can quit that job, be my own boss and make my own rules.

My family is the most important thing in my life and I want to structure my work around them, while still making a kick butt income. Becoming debt free is one of my dreams and I know that I will achieve that dream (and many others) by building my IM business.

I look forward to meeting lots of people here and learning tons!
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FatWallet Premium
Welcome to WA! Good to have you here in WA community.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
Rob Lee Premium
Hi Karen, Welcome to WA! Your goals sound awesome! Good luck with everything!
riojs_k Premium
Welcome to WA:) good luck!!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family