Free Spotify Music for Your Blog or Website

Last Update: April 16, 2012

Hello friends:) Spotify, the second most popular online music service after Apple’s iTunes, has introduced, this Wednesday, a new widget called the ‘Spotify Play Button’. This application lets you to add your favourite tunes, albums and playlists to your blogs, websites or other social networks. You can choose from a catalogue of more than 16 million high quality tracks. And this is free of charge and totally legal!!

The ‘Spotify Play Button’ is very easy to configure and customise. Simply sign up for Spotify’s free or the monthly premium service (this offers ad-free, unlimited listening). Install the play button, click on the music you want from Spotify’s vast collections and embed them to your web pages. Your visitors will then be able to enjoy the selected songs and playlists just hitting play without leaving the blog or site. However, unlike YouTube videos, the visitors would first need to sign-in to their Spotify account to listen to the music.

Previously, Spotify allowed this kind of music sharing only within Facebook. Now the company says it has teamed up with a few more specific services, including Mashable, New Music Express, Time Out, Virgin Media, the Huffington Post, Rolling Stone and The Guardian, to make it easier than ever to play all the world’s music seamless throughout the web.

The blog-hosting site Tumblr has already incorporated the ‘Spotify Play Button’ directly into its blogging platform enabling its users to add personalized soundtracks to their words in a flash.Spotify has an admin page in WordPress too!

Surely, this integration of Spotify music with blogs, websites and more would lead to a more social web music experience. I think the introduction of the Play Button to our pages would make them more interactive and fun. Do you also think so? Your thoughts will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks. Interesting. Have you tried it yet? Wonder how I could use it. I'm printing out your info.
Bikash11 Premium
Jatdebeaune, you are welcome. Do you have a Spotify account? You can register for free with your facebook account. If you keep your facebook window open and then open another window for Spotify, your facebook info is automatically copied to the sign up page of Spotify making it much easier to open your Spotify account. The 'Play Button' is created using a tool on Spotify's website. You then simply need to select the songs you want from Spotify's website and will be provided with a link to embed to your blog or website. If you use WordPress, go to
and you will find simple instructions to install the 'Play Button' plug-in and get it working!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you.