Newcomers! Let's Grow Together!

Last Update: February 17, 2010

Greetings! Especially to the "Newcomers"! I am relatively new here as well. You are right, this is a bit challenging. I even thought about canceling my membership, but the more I took my time to go through the money making possibilities. I began to see potential "OPPORTUNITIES!" Now the goal is to see the money in the bank. "Holla if you hear me!" Which I am working on as we speak.

Do refer often to the "Training Center" Start familiarizing yourself with the program as much as you can, and of course it helps when one can break it down so that a newcomer can understand it...

I recommend "Fast Action Quick Start - You CAN Do" Articles by PotPieGirl. Very helpful. There are more articles. Choose what works best for you. Everyone learns differently and at their own pace. Hope this helps! Stay Encouraged! Peace & Blessings! BizzyLady
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