Some Details about The Blooink Media Network of Sites

Last Update: December 16, 2009

I my self am a Web Developer and Internet Marketer and my preferred form of marketing is Social Marketing!
Social Marketing for me has been something of a god send as it provides you with a myriad of platforms and conduits from which to launch or promote ones projects.
By the very nature of the social net, you don't even need your own website to benefit from this system.
I am glad to see WealthyAffiliate have embraced this side of marketing with these spaces!
I have linked as many of my profiles together, with 3 mean points of control! MySpace, Facebook & Twitter, they themselves are 'Synced' and then from twitter to as many of the others as I can manage!
This keeps all my profiles up to date and active and saves me doing multiple individual posts to each profile. If this where the case I would have no time to do anything else as social marketing in it self is a lot of work!
I run a number of websites and projects, the main ones being,,,,, and I own over 180 other domain names that are yet to be turned in to live sites or sold!
To see the complete list of domain names I currently own please contact me. If you see one you like, we can talk about a possible transfer of ownership!

A bit about my business:

The Blooink Media Network! is my main business and within the framework of The Blooink Media Network are various other sister and sub-sites as mentioned above!
The Blooink Media Portal at is an online resource for internet marketers, website and business owners.
It also serves as a conduit for Article Marketers to generate revenue from writing articles by means of our Author 2 Adsense Revenue Sharing Program!
We pay 50% of all revenue generated from articles you create!
More details about this can be found on the home page!
Content is everything in today's highly competitive online world so I designed this system to not only profit from financially but to encourage people to use the site and take advantage of the unique opportunities to earn revenue found with in the pages of the site!
Not only that but I personally test and try out every opportunity before i offer it to you!
For example Tissa's Acme People Search Affiliate Program! An excellent opportunity to generate an increased income. It was this very opportunity that led me to!
See: for more details!

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