About BookwormR
Joined February 2009
I am Ruth Stewart,and the picture is my dog, Judy. My picture just comes up as a lot of pixels!
I have been into internet marketing for a few months now, and having spent a small fortune on ebooks and systems etc, I now really need to start earning some money! I am hoping to sack my boss this summer. I can't wait to write that letter.

I have a husband, three kids and several pets - two dogs, two rats, two budgies and an african grey parrot.

My husband works from home so it's great that we can shift the childcare between us, I feel really strongly that anyone, but especially women, should be able to work from home if they want to. Paul and I are lucky that we can do that.

For instance, on Friday, we are both going to my son's class fairyland show. My son will probably be the only kid with both parents there. There is one other girl who MAY have both her parents there - but again both her parents work for themselves. That is why it is important for parents to have some flexibility with their hours, because children are so important, and it is vital that they are brought up with as much confidence in themselves, as much self-esteem as possible.

Ok, this rant ends now - sorry I am probably "preaching to the converted" but that is part of the reason I am passionate about internet marketing - it's a great way of earning money working from home that gives you the flexibility to be the best parent you can be.

Ok I am wandering off now to discover more of this site.

Best wishes!

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TJ Books Premium
Hi, Ruth. I thank you for your comments on my big blunder article. John
Isabellas cabin Premium
I know the dog pictures are great! I love it!
BookwormR Premium
Hello NTC!
I thought it might be ok to be buddies with you because it was your link at the work at home forum that I clicked to enroll here. I have been lurking at the forum for a couple of weeks now, and I like your upbeat way of thinking. I hope it's ok to message etc. It does feel slightly stalkerish though. Sorry if it has come over like that. It's entirely unintentional! Best wishes, Ruth (BookwormR)
BookwormR Premium
Hey Isabellas cabin, That is a lovely looking dog indeed. Is she/he a Great Dane? Although maybe his nose isn't quite long enough - could he be a boxer? Although in the states people sometimes clip boxers ears.... you will have to let me know. He looks like a very good obedient dog, anyway!

Best wishes,

College Student Premium
I am glad to hear that my resource has been of help i hope to be posting some other similar resources soon
simbathedog Premium
Hello Ruth
Thought I would say hello as we seem to have similar pictures!
I'm just working through all the info & looking forward to learning some more
Have a good day
BookwormR Premium

I love labradors too, they are so good with kids, and gentle. But sometimes they are a bit greedy; when I lived at home we had one called Tasha and she ate a pound of butter! Ewwwwwwwwww!

How are you getting on with the program? You must be in week two now, or is it three?

Best wishes,
