Plug-ins for starters on a wordpress site

Last Update: June 29, 2012
Hello Everyone

Hope you guys having a wonderful day as much as I'm having, getting ready for the fall semester at my university and I'm pumped up ready to go woo. LOL Anyway I've decided to share a juicy bit of info I would like to share for those of you just starting on a wordpress site and wondering what Plug-ins will help SERP your site or at the very least make it standout from the common everyday website.

I used these Plug-Ins myself so they are tested by me and wont crash your word press site (happened to me once,not pretty) so listed below are a few plug-Ins that i highly recommend taking a gander at. Keep in mind, there are countless varieties of these plug-Ins so by all means dont limit yourself in plug-Ins but choose wisely for your site, nothing ventured, nothing gained right.

Just a Few Listed Plug-Ins with Brief Descriptions
  • All - in-One SEO - A must have to have your wordpress site making web pages,articles,etc. to be more SEO friendly for the Search engines lik Google,Bing,Yahoo
  • Akismet- Everyone hates spammers, so this plug-In keeps those spams in check on your site.
  • cbnet Ping Optimizer- Have this plug-in hand to keep those ping services from labeling you a ping spammer every time you click update or save on your site.
  • Blog Copyright (by BTE)- A useful plugin to label the nifty copyright logo on your site keep it legit.
  • AuthorSure- makes Google Authorship more user friendly with your site.
  • AWeber Integration - If your into email marketing with Aweber then you got to have this plug-in makes specific widgets to add those email forms as banners or on the sidebar of your site
  • GD Star Rating - You've seen review sites with those rating stars right? Well this plugin gives your site star power with just any content you come up with articles, blog posts or any you wish to have on.
  • Google Analytics for WordPress - To put it simple, is more of a optional plug-in if you want more control over your Google analytics on your site with managing your analytics accounts, easier code placements selecting where you want the code to be placed.
Hope this helps, these plug-ins are a few plug-in starters that worked fine by me and wanted to pass them along save you guys some time from searching countless plug-ins wordpress has out there and see what works. As i mentioned before, these plug-ins worked for me so i completely understand some wont apply to you or you found your own, but no biggie just being helpful I spent a fair amount of time just learning about these plugins and how they contributed to my wordpress site felt I should pass along to my fellow WA members. Well good luck in your ventures guys until next time

BossJacob Signing off
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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the great info!
BIS Premium
I'm sure this will be very useful for people.

Just one thought though. I don't think you should claim that the plugins "won't crash your wordpress site". The fact is that some plugins do not work well with particular themes - so the fact that they have worked perfectly for you doesn't mean they will 100% of the time for others.

Best wishes

Boss_Jacob Premium
well I learn something new everyday thank you for correcting that misconception thanks BIS