Posts by Bovic 9
June 16, 2010
OK, I'm dropping the day count. This is month 2.  My site is up and I've written 3 articles and sent them to 30 directories. Two of the articles show up on page 2 of google. Now, if I can just get the website to up move up there. Twenty two more articles to write and then on to the next ncihe website. Learn, goals, plan and action. That's my motto. I'm going on a 4 day trip to watch my son play baseball, so four days off. See you next week, good luck, Bovic 
June 13, 2010
Well, I think it's Day 29. I may quit placing the Day #. Anyway, website is up and article campaign has started. Had alot of rain yesterday, so a great day to work on the articles. This is the first time I've used any directories besides Ezine. I don't know how automatic article submitters can work. Some directories had alot of questions and a wait period. So I'm doing it manually. Probably best for learning. Good luck, keep working. Oh, if you joined WA thru Potpiegirl, chec
June 08, 2010
Finished my new website last nite. Now on to article marketing to get some traffic. This is my third website. My first two were just for fun and learning, so, of course, they didin't make any money.  This website is all about making some money. Other than the cost of WA and the cost of domains, I haven't spent much money. And the only article directory I've used is Ezine, even got their mug. But now I know I need to use others. I'm thinking about buying an article submit
June 03, 2010
Content all done, now I'm putting some ads on the site. Then, article writing starts.  I really enjoy the research, writing content and writing the articles. What I'm learning is I don't like setting up a wordpress website. I have more problems with colors, fonts, ad codes, ect. And I know even if  my content is good, keywords are good, if the site turns people off, they will leave.  Maybe some day I will be making enough to out source. Bovic  
May 26, 2010
It's really Day 13, but I'm superstitious. Finishing up the content for my new website. Was hoping to be done last weekend with the content, but my son's baseball kept me away. Doing IM really makes you place priorities on your time. I won't miss family events, but to sit and watch mindless TV, not anymore. Good luck to all, Bovic 
May 21, 2010
Adding content to my new site this weekend. Hope to get it done, but I want to do it as good as I can, so might not. Had a thought yesterday for a new niche. I wrote it down so I won't forget. At the time of the thought, you think I'll remember this, no need to write it down. But I've learned I need to write everything down. Have a great weekend and good luck, Bovic 
1 comment
May 19, 2010
Since .com and .net were gone on my domain name I bought .biz, since this is a business niche. Found a good looking free theme and got it installed tonight. I'm having some trouble with feedburner, but got everything else installed. Now, on to content. I've got to do alot of research. Want to make this site great. Good nite & good luck, Bovic. 
May 18, 2010
Day 5 and I picked a niche and domain keyword to start working on. Now, need to find a WP theme I like and go buy the domain name. Both .com and .net are gone, so I'm not sure what I will do with that. The .com is for sell by an individual, but I'm not even going to ask for how much. I know it will be more than i want to pay. Good luck to all Bovic.  
May 15, 2010
Day 2 and I'm still learning. I might pick a nicheQ to work with. Nothing like getting your feet wet early.  Good luck all. Bovic