The American Dream...What is it to you?

Last Update: March 29, 2010

The American Dream....

Have you ever sat down and asked yourself what is The American Dream. What does this phrase mean to you? Google says the term American Dream means-" The widespread aspiration to live better than our parents did". Wikipedia says the term means-"An American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire" In 1931 James Adams expressed The American Dream to be were citizens of every rank will feel they can achieve a better, richer, and happier life...exc....

Not bad at all.....

Now knowing what Google and Wikipedia say, what is your thought on this? I would like to think that every individual has there own American Dream. A dream that can be as much as just owning your own home with a kick ass boat in the garage, or being successful as Carson and Kyle on WA. Whatever it is it's your dream.

  1. How will you get to your dream??
  2. What are you willing to do??
  3. How many times are you willing to fall before you reach your dream??

If you cant answer all of these questions without a doubt then you have no dream.

I know all of us here at WA do have a dream. If you say  you dont... your liar. Everyone has there own special dream...

SO dont be a DREAMER, someone who escapes to a world of fantasy, because the reality is you will never accomplish your goals. One of those goals which is being a successful IM with WA

I cant speak for all of you, but success for me starts right here right now! This is my path to my American Dream.  So as we all contiune our journey to being successful IM, remember a dreamer  will dream about having their American Dream, verses a person who has a dream and acts on it with grit determination will one day soon be living their own........... American Dream. 

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jatdebeaune Premium
I can't post my dream because it is private. It's a good one though. Make sure your head is in the clouds and your feet are on the ground. To answer #1, Using to the fullest whatever God gave me as talent and putting it out there, #2, go after it with commitment, but I wouldn't compromise my values, #3, when you are focused on a goal, you hardly notice tripping and falling.
Slugger_mn Premium
Knowing your dream is very important to staying motivated! I like this post, very well done Sir- (: