Lesson Four

Last Update: July 15, 2010

18-06-2010 Started Lesson Four

This were I had great difficulty with as it is called missing bits if information.

I just got stuck trying to figure out what was required.  So much time wasted because I had no idea were to find the missing information or concepts so that I could get the whole picture of what was required.

Frustrations ran very high in this lesson and my emotions were not helping.

My business is no longer providing adequate financially any more and this puts so much more strain on the need to succeed and make the sales.

I have heard it said there is nothing like the first sale, well I am not so sure I will be happy with the first sale I just want to get to $10,000 pm then I will jump and jump for joy.

Well is off to lesson Five now.







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Louise M. Premium
Good luck! The excitement of the first sale does exist, you'll see! It's actually very motivating and encouraging and a proof that your efforts and not useless. Keep moving forward!!