Posts by Caitenmj 16
Hey everybody! It's been a little while so I thought I'd write with an update.  I'm staying motivated and on top of everything which is exciting, I'm able to focus more and it feels good! My business is going great too, actually ended up starting two businesses, this one i'm in love with.... If you or somebody you know needs a hosting website to promote your business or anything you want basically then this is the site for you! I'm utilizing my
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April 17, 2010
Hello everybody,   Back on my prior post I talked about motivation etc.  Let me tell you, I love this new med, cuz' now I feel like I can actually focus and get stuff done! I've been working on websites and backlinks and blogs and all kinds of fun stuff! I don't know if you guys have ever used or currently use a site called weebly?  well if you haven't, it's a fabulous landing page free site building website.  SO much fun stuff you can add to i
April 14, 2010
Hellloo.. To all those that know me and have read prior posts, they know about my adhd...well I'm happy to say that I'm on a new med to help control the adhd and I'm very excited to get this under control! My biggest problem is just focus!! I always get soo distracted by EVERYTHING...but I feel more confident and the meds are starting to work, so I'm excited to get working! Excited to promote my new site and get working on my new biz, and also, if anyone is a fan of travis bum marketing, al
April 13, 2010
Hello everybody, Regarding my new business that I am VERY excited about...there are some ways that you could help me out!! For FREE!!! the best could EARN MONEY!!Here's the deal...there's no pressure, but it's REAL easy, and would DEF help me out!!My website is a webportal that can access virtually over 3,000 sites on the internet that you shop through anyways! Sites such as Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Old Navy, Saks, Ebay, Sears, Addidas, Nike, R
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April 11, 2010
Helllloo Everybody!! I just wanted to blog that I am VERY EXCITED, and I mean very lol to launch the start of my new business!! I am more excited to utilize the information I have learned and will continue to learn from and through WA!! So without further or do lol I am proud to say that I am now an UnFranchise Owner and Independent Distributor or my own Internet Business!!  It's a company called Market America, the possibilites are endless
April 07, 2010
HEY!! OMG just realized I made my third sale!!!! WOW!!!! yahooooo!!! WOW what a great feeling!!! they keep coming slowly but surely!! yaya!!!!!! 
April 05, 2010
I'm frustratedly stuck at this point.  My adhd  is kicking in high gear.  I'm at the point where I know what to do, but too much at the same time.  Everything is spinning around in my head that I don't know where to start and get frustrated....HELP!  I start and stop and start and stop.  Everything keeps spinning in my head and I don't know where to start, with which campaign or which site.  Maybe i've done tooo much researching lol!\ Ahhh
April 02, 2010
Hello everybody, just jotting down some notes before I get cracking a little bit more.  First I wanna say that man in the beginning of IM there is so much reading and learning to do, I feel like I'm back in school! lol, but you gotta do the research if you want to see good results!   With that being said I have done a LOT of researching lately, listening to video tutorial clips, takin a bunch of notes and reading SO much from all different angles of advice and tips! 
March 26, 2010
GUESS WHAT!??!?!?! I MADE ANOTHER SALE!! WOOO That makes sale #2, man was I jumping up and down when I saw that! The funny part is, I got it almost a wk ago and didn't realize until last night! lol This is def motivating!! I mean, when you actually see sales results, it totally pumps you up to keep learning, to keep trying, but most of all to keep dreaming and it drives my motivation skkkyyy higghh lol. Favorite helpers so far still go out to EOS (thank you Mike and Pete), BumMa
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March 23, 2010
hello, Totally random, butttt in my never ending endeavours to earning some extra money and trying to figure out a way to help my friends as well, my never ending research brought me to this.. I came across this really great website and decided to give it a try, was wondering if you'd like to try it out with me... It's called "Freeway to Sucess".. All you have to do is sign up and pay a ONE time $15 set up fee and then $5 p/mnth...that's it.  Now here's the cool part, all you hav