
Last Update: March 08, 2010

hello everybody just wanted to write a quick blog before I get to work for the day.  I've been doing a lot of research, found a few good niches, found my keywords and am about to bust out a few lens' and make some articles!! I did one lense already and an article for it, got some traffic but no buyers yet, but that is off of one article, so not too bad. 

Today though one of my focus' is going to me the magic of making up ebook, I found it through a WA member here actually...and the funny thing about all this is that I"m going through a divorce right now! We've been separated for a year, he wants the divorce and not matter what I say and try, he won't budge, my heart is broken.  So this is an ironic campaign to be promoting, but hey, I think I could def reach out to ppl as I know exactly what they're feeling!!

Well hopefully here's to my success, I'm ready to start making consistent money! 

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