About Carolinagirl
Joined November 2008
Hi there. My name is Carol and I live in the southern US. I am an animal lover and I'm very involved in wildlife habitat conservation in my area. My job also allows me to spend time volunteering at local schools teaching children about animal welfare. I love to try new things and after extensive research, I feel this is a great opportunity for me. I'm a newbie at all of this so I need all the help, comments, buddies, and contacts I can get. I would really appreciate any advice offered.
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TJ Books Premium
Hi, Carol and a late Welcome! I'm an old time birder, started as a kid and still find myself out clicking away. So, how are you doing at WA? Have you got a good schedule that you keep? You also should ask questions. John
TJ Books Premium
Thanks for your note on the Share Zone. It takes time to learn this business. You just have to do something everyday to improve your outcome. So, hang in there, Carol. John
funjob Premium
Welcome aboard,
This stuff is like being in school again. I am constantly reminded to do my homework. Get at it and stay in touch!
vurrutia Premium
Hey Carol, one of my favorite channels is Discovery, just last night my daughter and I were watching a show about seals in california and the hazards that we humans are creating for them with our waste disposal. Luckly for them, there are groups that study and care for them in the San Diego, Newport and San Francisco areas. Anyway, welcome to WA. I wish you good luck
tony p. Premium
welcome carol,you came to the right place to get a education and to get a business going for yourself.best of luck,tony p.
gueorgui Premium
Hello Carol,

Welcome to WA.

gueorgui Premium
Hi Carol

Well yeah, this system is part of the bigger picture of internet marketing, and it lays down the foundations in article marketign and PPC really well. If you put the work in you will succeed doesnt matter if you are totally new to IM, it will all come together.

Best wishes,

carolinagirl Premium
Thank you for the welcome gueorgui. I'm totally new to all this but I'm a fast learner and I hope to do well in the coming months. Its great to know that someone with your credentials also has faith in this system. I've never done anykind of internet marketing so wish me luck!