About Carpenter
Joined May 2009
I chose a carpentry career in 1979, served my apprenticeship and have made a modest living. My wife and I raised two children, the third one is 14 (work in progress). The oldest is my son who followed in my foot steps and is now 30 with a family of his own, my oldest daughter is seated next to me in the picture (she'll soon be a physician's assistant earning 140k a year). I'm so proud of her.

I came upon a crossroad almost two years ago (at the age of 50), carpentry is physically demanding ( there has to be more to life than building and rehabbing houses) and decided to give IM a try. The idea was to make some residual income. I have managed to make some money doing this, not much but more than the interest my bank account is paying.

My family is my greatest blessing.

Sometimes I feel as though I'm just not getting it. But I am determined to make this work.
Carpenter's Accomplishments

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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
carpenter Premium
thanks for the welcome message.
netjen Premium
Welcome aboard Mike! I've been a member of WA for almost 2 years now...worth every penny. You'll be amazed at what you'll learn here and the people you'll meet. If I can ever help, please let me know.
carpenter Premium
Hi, my name is Mike. I'll be 51 years old in a couple of months. I have three children ( oldest daughter in the picture with me) 29, 27, & 13 My wife and I have been married 30 years. lol
I've built new and remodled old houses for the past 30 years, a carpenter by trade. I'm getting too old for the grunt work anymore and still too young to retire.
I'm determined to make it as an internet marketer before I become a bum. God bless you all and thanks for having me. Any time you're in St. Louis, feel free to look me up.
carpenter Premium
Thanks netjen, I'll most likely take you up on that offer. I've been cruising this site for a couple of hours, there is a wealth of info on this site. I may need help applying this info to the real world.
Thanks again!