Updates to your WordPress Website (WA Hosting)

Last Update: July 17, 2012

Today (Sunday June 24th, 2012) we've run some security updates on the WA hosting network that will prevent your ability to update your WordPress website Themes or Plugins fop the next couple hours only.

Stronger FTP Passwords

The recent WordPress hacking that has been happening online has opened up some security vulnerabilities that we have been working to correct over the past week and a half. As part of the security update we've changed your website FTP passwords to be stronger.

This means that if you have your FTP passwords saved in an FTP client program, then you will need to update these passwords in order to FTP on to your domain. This was very important to change as we determined that some sites had their FTP credentials compromised. We've updated this across the WA hosting network to be 100% safe.

How does this affect you?

Well, as soon as we are done with the security update you will not notice a difference. We are updating your WordPress website so that you can still add plugins and themes as you normally would. However, for the next few hours you will not be able to upload new wordpress theme or plugins.

Why some WordPress Installations get hacked?

Wordpress is the worlds most popular website builder and because of this it is popular among hackers to try and find vulnerabilities. When these security vulnerabilities are found hackers try to spread malicious code to millions of wordpress websites throughout the world. To combat this we've developed a far more secure environment for your websites, we've determined how the hackers were able to break into some of your plugins and themes, and we've plugged the vulnerability.

Does this mean you will NEVER get hacked again? Absolutely not but WA hosting will not be one of the networks that hackers try as we have this new security in place.

How to protect yourself?

Regardless where you install your website, you need to understand that with each plugin you install, or 3rd party theme, this opens your website up to the possibility of code that is vulnerable to hacking attempts. We suggest choosing as few plugins as you can to help limit your exposure to the possibility of installing vulnerable code.

What are we doing to protect you?

Many people do not know that at WA hosting we offer premium monitoring of your website. Our team is constantly watching over your website and if we find something that looks suspicious we investigate it without even telling you. In a lot of cases plugins and themes can cause a site to get hacked, and we'll know this the instant it happens. We take the proper measures to clean your site and protect you from further hacking attempts. We realize the importance of keeping your websites up and running and free of malicious code.


Today, please be aware that you may not be able to upload plugins or themes until your website has been updated with the latest security measures. We hope this to be complete on the entire network within the next few hours.

Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding, when a world wide vulnerability like this is exploited, millions of sites are affected as were a handful of WA hosted WordPress sites.

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magistudio Premium Plus
Thanks Carson for taking action on the weekend with this!

WA Members:
This just shows how much the team at WA cares about YOUR success.
Carson Premium Plus
tport144 Premium
Great news! Thank you
CSmith1 Premium
Hey Carson, sounds good and appreciated. Looks like the recent sites that had been infected with Malware have been cleaned.
Can you just confirm if a site owner needs to create a ticket if the blog is infected or is support scanning everything as they apply updates etc.
Carson Premium Plus
CSmith1 Premium
Perfect, just wanted you to confirm.
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks Carson
Carson Premium Plus
Veveric Premium
Carson, this is a great news! I am glad that it was you who change my FTP passwords.I was unable to login to any site through FileZilla and I was afraid that is someone else, especialy because one of my sites was hacked few days ago. Thank you guys, you are awesome!
Carson Premium Plus
PierWalkerSOS Premium
Good job Carson, but can you/will you 'Name names?'
Which plugins do you think might be bad and are to be avoided?