Keywords, Keywords, KEYWORDS!

Last Update: December 27, 2010

Why is it that when it comes to keywords, I get all jammed up?  Okay, I get the concepts of article marketing, and relevance, but when it comes to finding keywords to write about it's like my mind goes blank, and I wish that this were not happening to me.

I understand that a great keyword has less than 5,000 quoted results, and I have been great at finding keywords with  less than 100 quoted results, or even 0!  But the thing is, where will the traffic to my articles be coming from, if no one is searching for my keyword terms?

I have been submitting my articles mostly to ezinearticles, and out of 48 articles, I have 793 article views, and 89 url clicks,  I don't know if these stats are good, but I do know that I could have been more relevant with my promotions, and also with the relevance of the landing pages.  So at least, it looks like the keywords that I choose are good enough?  As of last week every article that I write has a relevant landing page with the same keywords in the heading and the sales copy.  I was not doing this previously, and I realize that I may have had a few sales at least IF I was providing the reader with relevant product info (Wealthy Affiliate) on my landing page, instead of sending all the article traffic to just one single page on my website.  Shame on me!

I'll keep on ticking right along, as I surely won't be giving up, i've come waayyyy to far to do that.  I guess making adjustments is what this internet marketing thing is all about, kinda reminds me of when I learned to ride a bicycle. Fell off the bike many times, but every fall helped me to get better at the main goal, which was riding and enjoying that bicycle!  After a few falls, before you know it I was riding, doing catwalks, hook slides, jumping over things, etc. and just to think I was scared to make a turn on the bicycle, because I would always fall during the turns. 

 I'll be glad when I can effectively ride this internet marketing bike.  I'm tired of my wife looking at me with that "you're wasting your time" look on her face.  It's all good, because I know i'm not, and she'll soon see that.

Just a few of my thoughts.  I'm excited about what the new year will behold.  I HAVE to keep at it.  And I will.

Thanks for reading.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I use the WA keyword tool and find it to be great. The keywords I use are about 200-500 quoted searches, and so far, I've gotten on the first page of Google 90% of the time, and usually in the top 6. Sometimes I try higher quoted numbers and compete with sites that are not all that well optimized. Sometimes I beat them. It's good to add a few provocative words at the end of the long tail keyword. Just makes them want to read your article. Another good tool is Market Samurai. I love that tool, but it's not free. You can get a free trial though.
NEA03 Premium
You could have a keyword with 20,000 quoted results but if the top ten sites for it are not well optimized, and/or have little/low-quality backlinks you can outrank them. When trying to rank for a keyword, what matters the most is how strong or weak the top ten sites are, I don't bother with the quoted results. I love Traffic Travis for analyzing keywords and recommend you use it, it's free :) -Irma
DABK Premium
It's not just the keywords, it's how catchy the title is. It's not just the title, it's how catchy the teaser is. It's not just the teaser, it's how catchy the first paragraph is. And let's not forget the bio box. Your click through rate is 11 percent or so, which is not bad, but could be way better. You're averaging 16 views/per article. That's low.

So, though you can improve both how you grab readers attention, you need to work on keeping it, making them click on your links 2. But first grab their attention.

You don't need to find tons of good keywords, by the way. If you find a few good ones, write a few articles for each.

The trick is to link back to your site with the keywords for which you want your site to rank. And you do that no matter what keyword you wrote your article around.

Relevant landing page.
There's no need to create landing pages for every article.

keywords for articles
fha refinance
reverse mortgage
2nd mortgage
bad credit mortgage
bad credit home loan
consolidation refinance

All the above can go to one and the same landing page, if that page is about bad credit refinance.

If the page is about reverse mortgages, the bad credit part is a bit of a stretch, but all could still go to the same landing page on reverse mortgages.

You can't send them all to a page on first time home buyer mortgage or VA loans.

The same with any niche.
wedding dress article
fun wedding
honeymoon locations
engagement rings
they can all go to the same page about weddings.

Neither in the mortgage or the wedding example must the keywords in the articles be present on the landing page.

Google understands synonyms and related keywords.

If on the wedding page the only keywords are
marriage, getting married, bride, groom, in-laws, Google will think there's a good relationship. It's a better one if you have more related keywords.

People too. If I say I'm going to get married and am a man, you automatically think wedding, wedding party, honeymoon, bridesmaids, best man, tuxedo, etc (in my part of the world).