About Cemy
Joined November 2008
hey guys.. im new here.. from malaysia.. i got no experience in IM.. guess this is the right place to start it.. glad to be one of the WA members.. hope that i can learn more about IM and keep in touch with all you guys.. any advice from anyone will be a great help to me..
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Bigman Premium
Hi Cemy, things are ticking along nicely.
How are you doing?
cemy Premium
I'm fine. Thanks. Hope that our blog will achieve the top search engine ranking :-)
Zex_e1 Premium
ellop bro..pekaba..he..
camne skrg? dah bnyk ker earn? lehla blanje..hehe..
Zex_e1 Premium
hehe..ngah siapkan website jer ni..bile siap je..mesti cow2 nye promote..bg pecah petala langit keke..
gua nak pegi las vegas la ni..nak jumpe kelly & carson tahun depan ni..tu ngah gile2 ngah buat ni..
buat mase ni nk target 30kusd dlm mase nk bula..hehe..cam buleh je..keke...

syarat nak pegi las vegas dpt 300sales
pastu komisn plg kurg dpt 12k..
pastu WA bg 1.2k utk dtg sane..

jomla bro kite g same2 taun dpn ni..keke..
ader ym x bro??
Zex_e1 Premium
owh..nanti aku add ko bro..hehe..
aku? article marketing pun x.. PPc pun x..hehe..
gune free source dulu..giler arh..nak gune ppc mane ade duit..
gune article lgla..BI dr tgktan 5 hingga spm pun fail..keke..
spm pun mujur lulus..haha..

tp lps ni aku prefer PPc..tp kene cr sales lah dulu..bru buleh jump ppc..
duit tarak..ppc pun tarak gaklah..huhhu..
Zex_e1 Premium
haha..biase la bro..promote kat forum..n g iklan kat org bese..hehe..
bro lak? ppc ke?
Zex_e1 Premium
bro..sy xleh add u, ym gile kot..
add sylah..kot2 buleh sharing ke..he..
Zex_e1 Premium
owh..aku tau ko add aku bro..tp ym ntah camne ntah..bro add..xde...bro add..xde lak.huhu..kalau online..tegur ek..coz x tahu mslh ape..huhu..hope bnyk leh kongsi..hehe..
putera.com pun dah ade forum smntara die..yurck dah start topic utk niche marketing..he
cemy Premium
yo bro..haha..setakat ni blum earn pape lagi la..baru je buat website last week..ingat nk try ppc plak la..selama ni dh buat article tp xde dpt pape pn..kau pulak cmne?
cemy Premium
cemy_champ@yahoo.com..haha..fans wira tunggal ni..owh las vegas..cun gak tu kalau dpt pegi sane..aku pn teringin gak nk menjejak kaki kt sane..skarang ni kau tgh fokus article marketing ke ppc?
cemy Premium
free source tu cmne bro? cun tak?
cemy Premium
slame ni aku buat article tu tp xde hasil pn..so skang aku nk try ppc je la..budget sket2 dlu..if dapat boleh rotate blk and kembangkan lg ppc tu..lgpn aku gunakan research yg kt nicheQ tu..so tak risau sgt la pasal aku mmg tak reti nk buat research sendiri tahap gaban cmtu..pape pn aku wish kite berjaya la dlm IM ni
cemy Premium
alrite..aku dh add ko bro..keep in touch..bantu membantu sesama kite
webxalpha Premium
Welcome to WA. Once broken down, it can be quite simple. Stick with the lessons as they're laid out, ask and view questions in the forum, and take some courses from time to time. Welcome to WAU.
cemy Premium
Thanks for the advice bro. All the best to you too.
manifest Premium
Welcome cemy,
Here, you will learn all the foundations you need to make money from IM. Have fun while learning and meeting great people. If you have any question, just ask
cemy Premium
thanks a lot buddy.. great to have someone there being so welcome to me.. hope that we can help each other to take the step forward the IM..
Ryco Premium
Hello there.

Added U to my buddy list. Nice to meet ya!
Ryco Premium
Thanks for the buddy talk Cemy

Wow, Good job Cemy! Overall is great.

What you can do now is to work on how to make it more interesting. An example is to give the article a Negative slant. Try to change the headline to something like "7 Baby Sleep Patterns that Baby Haters Don't Know".

In the article, use the same point but use a different twist. Tell the readers that Baby Haters hates babies because they do not know how to make babies go to sleep.
Then Tell the readers the 7 Baby Sleep Patterns that is so effective that can turn those baby haters into baby lovers.

Use your creativity to make it more interesting and have fun while doing it.

Hope that helps. :)

Keep in touch Cemy.
Ryco Premium
No problem. Please keep in touch and do not stop what you are doing now. persistence is the key
cemy Premium
hello bro.. nice to meet u too.. perghh.. mesti best sbb dh bjaye dpt 1st check from clickbank.. hope aku pn boleh dpt gak 1st check tak lame lg.. harap tunjuk ajar bro.. thanx..
cemy Premium
Bro, nk mintak tolong usya aku pnye squidoo
any suggestion to make it better?
cemy Premium
Thanks for those advice Ryco. I will try them out. Great to have someone there to help me.
Keep in touch buddy.
Thanks again.
cemy Premium
Salam bro..nk tnye sket..article marketing accreditation course tu okay tak?